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Well I had a feeling I would end up doing this because of it being the holidays. I made you guys wait quite a long time already so I think its enough. Besides, I'm going to be drowning in family and holiday shit for the next week or more and my wife will probably not allow me near a computer LOL.

So, without any further waiting, I'm releasing this update immediately for everyone. Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding. At some point you have to get tired of the excuses and I try so hard not to have any. But life is life and I live it the best I can. I hope you guys enjoy the update. I wish it could be longer but I'll make up for that with episode 3 and I think you'll enjoy what I have in store for Last Human's upcoming update as well. There is still a typo/misspelling or two in this - I'll deal with those during the next dev period for Serenity.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Felis Navidad, however you say it in your language... I do want to wish you all the happiest time for which ever holiday you celebrate this time of year. Love and peace to you all...

Now I'll take a real break and I'll be back after the new year full force with a first devlog for Last Human's next update. See you all then!

Serenity Chapter 2 (Episode 2) PUBLIC | N2TheFire on Patreon



I like to read you dev logs, so informative! merry christmas to you and your family, be safe, and i hope next year is as prosperous as possible for you!


Have good time, stay warm and safe.