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Hello everyone!

I've finally gotten to a nice pace and workflow. Working in tandem with my full-time job and this has had some challenges, but I think I am getting better at dealing with that. As a result, I've made quite a lot of progress.

As everyone who follows Serenity knows, Morgan was written into the Serenity world by Karen (Mom). The real Morgana is now there as well. In this episode, you'll be spending some time with her and learn that a strange phenomenon takes place whenever you touch each other. The fade seems intent on the two of you 'getting together', so this should be fun!

As mentioned previously, Camilla will begin her journey as a full dream writer. We'll see the ritual that takes place kicking that off. Because of so many messages and comments wishing for direct lewd content with her, I'll be doing a short AVN focused only on Cammie in her world, and I have some really cool ideas for that. However, I won't begin that until sometime next year. So that's at least something cool to look forward to.

Of course, there is also the new arena that MC created so the girls can practice their powerful abilities, have matches with each other and with Marissa (who as you should know from episode 1, was brought back by MC). She'll face Rin first. Rin needs to deal with her anger issues and get control of it. Marissa will push her buttons. The scene came out better than I'd hoped, I can't wait for you to see it!

Jasmine hasn't had a lot of attention. She's been busy researching fade history. You'll spend some time with her checking out an ancient dream world, written by the first dream writer and learn how the fade, shade, and the white flame came to be. In the process, you'll meet a new character also. This character was written into my original draft of the story, but I had removed her. After giving it some thought, I decided it works better with her in it. You'll see why when you meet her. Yes, she's a hottie. ;)

As for the status of the update, I am around 70% done with render work. I already have about 650 images completed and 6 animations. I have several more animations to do. Depending on how things go, we're looking at beta within the next 2 weeks (hopefully). That's still much later than I had wanted to have it done. Nothing I can do but press on and work on it when I can - so that's what I'll do. Sorry you guys have to wait so long, but better quality takes a lot longer than when I used to breeze through these things in the past. I'll never work like that again because it looks a lot better this way.

Anyway, that's all I have for you this round. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, love you all,




Can't wait! I still kinda hate Karen being alone when the woman she loved in Morgana is right there. It's not like we are lacking for girls lol. But interested to see what you wrote about here. Can't wait to see the next part.


Sounds good from a production standpoint. Just remember to take some time for yourself to relax and clear the brain.


Karen is still in love with her husband, and i believe she's waiting for him to redeem himself if that even ever happens