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Happy Friday all!

(Please note this post contains minor spoilers)

Where to begin? So, last weekend, I was travelling and visiting family - dealing with family matters, etc. Sorry you didn't get a weekly devlog last week but hopefully this one will make up for that with some nice previews.

Currently, I am about 23% into rendering graphics for episode 2. And this process as you know takes me a bit longer than it used to because I spend more time trying my best to make each render look beautiful. Also, I am aiming for more major and minor animations scattered around because for me, it adds some life to the story. These animations might be complicated ones, or short, simple ones. Anyway, after adding a few already and playing through completed scenes, I am very happy with how it flows.

(SPOILER-slight) This weeks' preview images: First image is Rin sitting in the rain with Camilla. This comes from the opening scene for episode 2. I spent a long time working on that sequence. It's hard to make rain look realistic in HS2 with a still image. But I think I pulled it off. There is a nice animation at the beginning. The next two images are from the arena fight that most should already know was coming (not too spoilery). But that last image of Rin might be the biggest spoiler here, though hopefully not too surprising. Has she found yet another level of wrath in her fury form? I'm loving how this particular scene has come together and I'm hoping you will too. I spent quite a while (way too long) experimenting with her model to get a particular look. I'm digging it.

The next scene I'll be working on involves some 'crossover' with Last Human. Hey, all of you should have expected a crossover between 2 of my own projects, right? Hehe! Anyway, beyond that, we have a lot of things happening in episode 2. Some new story arcs starting, and of course delving further into the main story with MC's growth as well as Serenity's. We'll be getting into some fun fade and shade history and learning some interesting new things about the MC family.

Well, that's all I have for this week. If I'm not as active lately in Discord, I apologize. I've been busy between work and this project (and family stuff). So I've lost some valuable time and that pushes the release back. It is what it is. I've learned not to stress myself out over the development time. You just can't rush these things the way I did when I started (exactly the reason I'll be going back and redoing Serenity Chapter 1 later). Anyway, thank you all for your continued support. Send messages, I love hearing from you!





I like the crossover idea. Keep up the great work!


I have to agree that I like the crossover. Gives you insight on both. Rushing can lead to mistakes. Thank you for the update,


Wonder where crabby is hiding?


Anyone who's played through the current Last Human build already knows there's crossover between the games, so I doubt it's much of a surprise to anyone here.


Crossover was expected since they always talk of Pantheria anyway. Also I love the evolved forms of the girls, not that there's anything wrong with there normal forms.


Ya don't stress over it. Some chapters will take longer than others its just how it goes. You are transparent about it so it's fine


One thing I wanted to do differently from other AVN's is to have the girls change a bit, just as they do in real life. After all, girls just don't stay looking exactly the same. In Serenity of course, there is a reason for major changes in appearance, but also Kat's makeovers - I just found that a fun way to freshen the girls' looks now and then.


True. It's a pretty light crossover in this one (not LH girls showing up in Serenity - but that could happen someday also haha)