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Hello again my friends, and thank you so much for your generous support :)

Today, I finally completed writing/coding episode 2. I expected to be done with that over a week ago. But I've had to deal with some personal matters as my family has been going through some things that there is no need to get into here. Bottom line, that's mostly sorted now, and the coding is finally complete. 

The preview image this week is... well, I think I won't say. Some of you will probably figure out who that is pretty easily so we'll leave it at that, hehe.

There isn't much else to tell you for now other than - My next step is to take care of my Crown Tier (custom CG's), and then jump right into the graphics work for episode 2. Will I finish before the end of the month? Hard to say. October is a long month though, so who knows? But I am just a bit behind where I expected to be right now, so there's that. All we can do is wait and see. I do spend more time on graphics than I used to because I like each and every image in a scene to look its best.

A quick word about the new "subscription billing" since I did receive a few questions about that. Let me stress that if you were already a patron (before October 1st), this change will have absolutely no effect on you. Furthermore, for those who seem a bit negative about it, I don't get that. All it means is that instead of having to pay on the 1st each month (no matter when you join), you'll pay on the date you joined each month - which is much better and fair to everyone. It is the way 90% of anything you pay monthly for works and Patron should have had this in place from the start. It really didn't make sense to patron anyone at the end of the month. Now it won't matter. I am glad they finally set things right with this and I was happy to change it.

That's all I have for now guys and gals. The update is coming along great, and I think you will all enjoy episode 2. Love and peace to all...




Anthony Docimo

however long it takes, is worth it. sorry IRL is being a bother.

Anthony Docimo

part of me hopes the pic is of Sophia...but I fear her, also ("thanks for the sword; now, where is my video game?") (sorry)


its been a hot summer...i could use some shade

Anthony Docimo

sorry...brain misfire - had been thinking of another game when i saw the pic, and it seemed right for a character from there. my bad.