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Update: So, after receiving MANY dm's and comments, I have decided how I will handle this for now. It will be a quick fix and then I'll continue episode 2 development. First, I should explain why this happened and also correct myself - the scene takes place at the beginning of Day 4 (not 5). This came up after a comment someone made on my itch page for Serenity chapter 1. The commenter was pretty rude about it, but I tried to be civil in my reply and decided I would resolve the problem by adding an option to skip the scene. This commenter has since deleted their comments. I don't know if he/she changed their mind or what but that doesn't matter now. What matters to me is that no one leaves my game unhappy because that is the opposite of my goal. The whole idea behind Serenity is that whatever drama happens IS RESOLVED QUICKLY. Yep, I get a lot of negative comments about that but I don't care. Too many of these games overdo the turmoil and drama. I wanted to make something that felt good to read... that would make you want to read it even though it is kinetic with no branching choices (and even if it gets a little cheesy sometimes). From the feedback I've received, I accomplished that. We all know Serenity Chapter 1 is far from perfect because it was my first. But it still survives even now. So, thank you for that, my friends. Thank you for supporting this story and giving it more exposure out there. Telling your friends and getting more people to enjoy some happy time away from real life. And I am not just talking about people subscribing... I'm talking about everyone.

What happens next: Yesterday and today I had to work in the office for my regular job, so I had little time to do anything anyway. Tomorrow, I'll be working from home again. I will go reopen the first Serenity game again, add the choice to skip, and also add the transparency option in the menu since it's just a couple of lines of code (I've wanted to add that since Chapter 2 has it). Later down the road, I have plans to set aside a month (maybe 2) to freshen up the first 5 days of content. But I won't be removing the scene in question. The skip option will remain and that hot scene with Samantha that so many of you like will not change other than maybe getting some better rendering.


There is a scene in Chapter 1 that contains questionable (rapey) content (around Day 5 iirc). This scene is on my list of things I want to remove and rewrite. I've received a few complaints (mostly like a year or more ago) but last night, someone commented about it on the Serenity Chapter 1 itch page. I have temporarily disabled the downloads on that page. The last thing I ever want to do is make someone unhappy with my stories. Obviously, rewriting that scene would take a bit of time because not only do I need to edit the dialog, but I'll also need to write new content to replace it and that means new renders also. I have plans to set aside a month or so to do the rewrites and new graphics, but realistically, I can't do it right now.

So, for now... I will edit that section of the game adding a choice just before the event happens, warning that the content is questionable and may offend some people, and offering the option to skip it - adding a short dialog after skipping.

I do apologize to anyone who was offended by that scene... it was honestly meant to be more 'light-hearted' than serious. At the time when I was writing that scene, I had not considered that some might be more sensitive to that content than others. Anyway, I'll make that change this week, and update download links (on all sites).



Wait, rapey? I just replayed chap1 yesterday and I honestly cannot figure out which scene is being referred to here lol.


I did not find it that way. I felt it was quite different. However Snowflakes have been trying to ruin everything for a while now so we need to cater to their childish sensibilities and snivelish ways.


I know. It is a fairly short scene that happens when you wake up on day 5 tied to a wall (when you first meet Samantha) and Morgan is tied to a table.


Ahh that scene. I guess I could understand how someone could be offended by that. I always thought it was hot but I've been told I have the mind of a teenage boy lol. Oh well.


@N2TheFire, Just make a blank screen with text if they choose to skip it. They skip the story, they miss out on renders. That is how most other devs have been dealing with those complaints.


It's actually okay that this happened. I mean, I have wanted to redo a lot of the first chapter anyway. I already have a good idea on how I will change it and hopefully even make it better. So, in this case at least, everything will turn out for the better. :)


I hadn't considered that. Honestly, I'd prefer to leave the images that are currently there and offer to skip rather than hide them. The dialog could itself be construed as "rapey" also. Besides, most people have no issue with it as is so I'd rather leave it intact until the rewrite can happen.


So, I keep the current version that I thought was fine in the context of the story. Then wait for the redone version to replay in the future. No, problem there, I understand as a dev, you have to do these things sometimes. I live by the old saying, " You can't please all the people all the time, but you can please some of the people some of the time".


I didn't take anything like that from it at all. But inserting the option seems like a good fix.


If anything that scene is more on the lines of BDSM. and thats not a bad thing. But i didnt even think about it as rapey


What I had envisioned for text on the blank screen would mention that you encountered Samantha and her sister and defeated them. Afterwards they decided to join your team. Or something along those lines. But I would personally like to see the scene stay as it is. However, it is your story to let us read. I have faith in your writing. Thank you once again for sharing it with us.


That is kinda where I thought it was. Just a little pinch and squeal. If you get that reference, I salute you courier.

Scott Wulf

I applaud your choice N2. Looking back at it, it can be triggering for those who have been through something even remotely similar. Giving an option like that should help to ease people's minds, and for those who don't understand, well...not going there in your thread. Feeding the Fade, and a bit of the Shade, but that feeds something else entirely. Good luck going forward with Chapter 2 of Serenity!


You can't please all of the people all of the time. And this has become ever more so with the internet. You'd have more luck finding a black cat in a dark room than concensus on the internet. I don't recall anything in Ch 1 offending me, and I am not someone who's into even simulated rape as a fetish, much less actual rape.


Many developers / YouTubers / TV personalities / Radio Personalities, etc will be the first to tell you that you cannot please everyone. There will ALWAYS be complainers, no matter how careful you are. If you think the scene is questionable, then by all means modify it, but don't do it because only a small few whines about it, but to make it match the theme of the story. Your approach to story telling on an R18+ game is quite refreshing. Adult games are supposed to be fun and exciting, not something featured on the Hallmark channel filled with endless drama. Quick resolution is perfect. To be completely honest about what bugs me in adult games, is the male buddy. Thank you for not doing this. I always sail by that useless dialog and waste of renders. Male friends are for PG VNs, not adult VNs. Keep up the good work, but remember, you will never be able to please everyone... never.


I'd just like to point out that both of us are dumbasses LOL The scene begins on Day 5, not 4. Jeez, you'd think the writer would know his own damn work! LMAO

Scott Wulf

Hey! At least we could be dumbasses together! lol!!! Honestly, haven't played in a while myself, so I could use a good reviewing...as Kirk said in 4....A Double Dumb Ass on you!