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Hello again everyone!

It has been a bit since my last devlog; I apologize - I hope the extra preview images make up for it :) ... A lot of work has been done for the first episode of Last Human. Starting a new project like this has made me realize you can never plan for everything! I keep getting to parts where I need certain assets that I don't have. So, I end up having to look for something, make it from scratch, or try to hire a modder who is able/willing to do it for me. The last major asset was a starship bridge for the Aurora. At last, I found one. Yes, very similar to a Star Trek bridge (even has some Star Trek graphics) but it will do. It was the kind of layout I wanted, and everything else I found was either too big, too small, or just didn't match the clean/new looking scenery in the ship interior I had. So, I know some asshole is going to flip out and go off about copying Star Trek. Whatever don't care. LOL

Anyway, moving on... As you have no doubt noticed by now, I have been sharing with you some character previews. I am hoping that once I have shared the last preview, it will be just before the first beta release. I think I have about 4 more characters to preview. The previews are shared with Patrons first, then go public when I share the next one. So, you can patron-up on the lowest tier to see them (all patrons see them) before they're public. These previews are intended to give you some idea what you can expect to see in Last Human, and also introduce you to them.

Development progress has been fairly good. As I said above, I keep running across a need for certain things I don't have for rendering... and that is my biggest hold up right now. So far there are 8 animations (non-lewd), and around 700 images. There are about 2500 lines of code in the episode 1 dialogue. When completed, there will be about 1100 images total, and possibly a few more animations. There is some minor lewd content (mostly just nudity) in this episode, but no actual sex scenes. Those will come later as relationships develop with LI's. And reminding you also that Last Human is not a story focused on sex as with Serenity... it will have it of course. But no "magic jizz" LOL.

I still don't really have an idea of when I would be able to release this thing. It is way too hard to tell at this point. But once I have found the next asset I am needing, I think I should be good through the rest of the rendering process. Music and proofreading will be one or two days' work so that won't be an issue. I already have about 30 music tracks saved that have been chosen to use in LH... and some scenes were written to work with specific music, so I already know where most of that is going. With all that said, I want to have this thing ready before the end of this month for sure. Hang in there guys, doing my best for you.

That's it for now... Keep an eye out for the next character previews and see you soon!




Can´t wait for it =)


Star Trek has a perfectly serviceable bridge layout, especially for what are ostensibly exploration ships. I have been loving the previews. The characters and sneak peeks have all looked very good.

Scott Wulf

I think that giving a nod to the hat to Trek is a great thing, so anyone going apeshit over a detail like that just doesn't understand the idea of tribute to one of the firsts. That's how I choose to see it! Star Trek was about exploring the vast reaches of the Universe, bodly going where none have gone before, you're doing it with a Human and a crew of Nekos! Awesome Tribute! Engage!


Looks great so far.


The original Enterprise was designed by a US Navy Submariner, so it makes sense the bridge layout was at least serviceable. Granted, it also had to look good on camera and allow the entire bridge crew to be in-frame together, so there are compromises as well.