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Well, I am at a crossroad here. And I am starting to realize that it is going to take me a lot longer to get a first release out for Last Human. The reason for that is because there are a lot of maps/scenes that need to be created from scratch. And I'm starting to see that it will take longer than I normally go with updates. I know some of you will say take your time, do what you do... but I thought I would see what you prefer.

I received a lot of nice feedback on Serenity Chapter 1. In fact, I also received a lot of messages saying they can't wait for Chapter 2. The simple truth is that I could jump into Serenity Chapter 2 right now and could probably have the first release between 2 and 3 months from now. I already know exactly what I want to do with it, and already have the assets to back it up.

I'm thinking Last Human first release would be at least 3 months, and that's if everything goes smoothly (and damn, it never goes smoothly LOL). There are a lot of new things I need to learn so that I can make it work the way I am envisioning it. And I won't go half-assed and degrade it just to get it out faster.

With that said, what do you guys think? Whichever option wins the most votes here is the one I'll go with. If it ends up being Serenity Chapter 2, then I can always work on LH maps in between... slowly get it in a better position and learn what I need to along the way to make that game a success. Keep in mind, I'm not a 'team', I'm just me. I'll run this poll until Friday afternoon.



Aww man, sat here sweating about this choice for 15minutes like I'm defusing a bomb or something, cut the red wire or the blue wire?? As much as I want to see LH, and I really do want to see it, I'm gonna go with Serenity because its so damn good. Now I'll just head off and play through it again for the 507th time.


I know. I probably would too buddy. Do you go with that familiar sweet taste or taste something new? LOL This so far is going about how I expected, which is why I decided to do the poll.


I read the third paragraph and thought, take the time to learn what you need to learn and get it right then put out Last Human. Until then work on Serenity until your ready to jump and work on Last Human without having to take time to learn a bunch of new things. I know your always learning new things, it's how you improve.


As much as I'd like Serenity to never end and have continual updates, I'd also like to see what's going to happen in "Last Human". I also don't want you getting burned out on Serenity (ever) and since LH has been a prime target for you, I'd like to see you get a chance to explore that for a bit. Change it up and be fresh and motivated on both....... for a LONG time to come :-D


wanna see last human but we know and love serenity hihi

Leslie Campbell

As much as I would love to see more serenity, you as the developer have to decide if you are ready to proceed with the story, or if you need to work on another project first, Wouldn't want to see you burn out on trying to force the story's continuation.


Well that's the beauty of this... I don't have to force anything in this situation. It's a matter of which one you'd rather wait for, with one having a longer wait. I have Chapter 2 outlined already and know exactly where its going ;) Nothing forced here :)

Leslie Campbell

Then, that is the way it will probably be going by the look of the poll, yes, I know it is early still. The reason that I mentioned that is that I have seen devs do just that, and have either abandoned, or ruined the story, but glad that this is apparently not the case.


While i thoroughly enjoyed the entirety of Serenity Chapter 1, i kinda feel like you're even more passionate/enthusiastic about Last Human right now. So my suggestion would be to continue working on that, but maybe give a few more in-between teaser posts. Just so we can somewhat see what you're working on. (Even if it is just empty scenery that you built from scratch)


Yeah, it's looking like Serenity Chapter 2 is going to be the overwhelming winner here. As for peeks at LH stuff I am working on, I'll definitely do some of that.


I have no intention of abandoning my work. If I ruin the story, that's on me. But I think I've got some great content lined up for Serenity C2. I'm not at all worried about that. ;)


where is last human i never seen it i like to try it


I vote for Last Human because I am really curious about it and I've never seen anything like that. If it's a game, then I never played it. On second though I really liked first chapter of Serenity and I will be happy when another part come out. Do as you wish... :-)


truthfully i would love to see Last Human, but i love Serenity's story. so either would work for me. i made a patreon mostly for your games and a few others. i plan on doing the $25 a month for you once i get a few bills paid off if its still availlible then. paying off my loans first tho before i spend to much on my hobby. but enought about me. i would like to say its up to you i dont want you to burn out on a story because of us. one of my fav star wars adult game dev did that. he said if he ever gets into he will finish the story which sucks because i loved the story. so if you feel like your burning out on Serenity do Last Human. then go back to Serenity