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Good morning/afternoon/evening wherever you are in the world!

I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving Day holiday (for those who celebrate it). Down my way, things have been pretty rough. I've been less active than usual this month due to numerous things I've been dealing with outside of Serenity. I've lost a few patrons due to this inactivity and I apologize for that. This is not how I usually work and those who've been with me a long time know.

In the interest of transparency, I'll say that Serenity 1.3 writing has been at a standstill for the last 3 weeks or so. I lost another family member (to cancer) and then lost one of my dogs. It seems lately, death is all around me. Frankly, I haven't been in any mood to write my happy story because well, I am not happy at the moment. I am working on that. It is very hard to write when your heart is flat from loss and unhappy things. And I won't do that to my story. Serenity was meant to be an alternate place you can go to forget about real life and I take that seriously. 

I'll get passed this. And only then will I be able to fully wrap my head around the story once again, and write it without the weight of my heart pressing against me. I am posting this publicly so that all are aware (including those who have left) of what is going on. And I apologize for the lack of activity. Know this... Serenity is my life outside of real life. But I have no control over my heart when real life interferes with that delicate balance.

Due to all of the above, I don't think there is any way I will have 1.3 ready before Christmas like I wanted... like I said I would. And perhaps I shouldn't make such promises in the future. This release was to be quite a bit longer than the last one (a lot more images and script), especially when you take into consideration that I added a small branch to the story that you can explore. Given the fact that I put a lot of time and thought into this story, the writing process alone takes longer than before and each update has been bigger because I always want to reach a certain point in the story with them. In my mind, if that takes longer... it takes longer. To me, quality over speed is best practice.

With all of that said, I am slowly working my way back to Serenity, and hope not to be too long beyond Christmas with its release. Keep in mind that right now, zero images have been rendered for it and tomorrow is 1st December. With the time I know I will take trying to make my scenes look their best, I already know it won't be ready before Christmas. So, for now, I will say something I hate saying because it sounds smartass... But it will be ready when it is ready.

Meanwhile, to those of you sticking with me... thank you so much. Some of you have been more than understanding and supportive anytime I've had delays or issues and I appreciate your kindness and patience. You know that I want to complete this project, and I fully intend to do that. Just sometimes things happen we can't help.

I'll be doing 2 desktop backgrounds and releasing them for patrons together (for the November and December backgrounds).

Love you all,


Scott Wulf

I'm sorry to hear of your loss my friend, and in such cases, it is fine to grieve, and take what time you need. Serenity isn't just a Game, or a Place in said game, but a state of mind, and only in finding your way back to your inner Serenity, can you bring to us the Magic that IS Serenity. Much love to you and you fam! You got this Dream Writer!


So very sorry to hear this N2! Sending you thoughts and prayers! And not going anywhere. We are here if you need to vent\talk\whatever. Take care.

Nia Solis

Sorry to hear about your losses... I've been there where they come one after another and understand your headspace. We'll be here when once you've had time to process and get back into it. Take care.


Sounds like a tough spot, wishing you all the best.

Anthony Docimo

my condolences; take however long you need. whenever the game is ready, is fine.


It saddens me to hear of your losses, this time of the year is always toughest for them. Whomever you lost as patreons, they were only a fair-weather friends any way. I hope for all the best for you and your family. I see that there are several of us willing to lend an ear if you need to vent, yell or just want to talk. Take care of yourself and your family first, Serenity will be updated when it does.

charles carman

Just take that time to deal with things you have to, and feel better when it's time, man. life can sometimes overwhelm us, and it's nothing we can always control. so, don't worry about it for now, just heal from these things and come back fresh.


Just don't forget to take it easy, man.


Fire, I can't say things better than those who have already posted. I'll always continue to support you. I support devs because of who they are, not for perks, nor do I have any expectations for releases. The creative processes can not be forced.


Sorry for your loss, Fire. Take the time you need. This game is already so great, and so worth playing and replaying, that you should feel completely justified taking all the time you need to make it the way you want to (which is what we pledged to support). The communication is always appreciated - as are the wallpapers. :-)