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Happy Monday everyone (yes, try to be happy even though its Monday!)

So, I have a few things to cover in this log. From the first and only choice you'll ever see in Serenity to new characters and the future of Serenity. Let's get started...

Choices: Serenity should actually be classified as an adult KVN (Kinetic Visual Novel) because it really isn't like the usual "visual novel". I always enjoy those VN's that were just entertaining me with a good story and graphics, so that is why I'll be sticking to this classification going forward. With that said, the big news today is that I am adding one choice in Serenity that will give players an alternate path to explore in the story... Going back home. Why would I do that? Because people have often asked what would happen if MC decided he actually wanted to go back home and make a life with Kat and/or maybe Triss? I'm sure you guys already noticed in the 1.2 update that MC has been thinking about Triss. The path and choice is only there for fun. But that alternate path will have a story as well that will continue for maybe one more update, then come to an ending... while the usual island/harem life will continue on. So you can think of it as an early ending branch that is just there for fun and curiosity. How would Kat react to you wanting to 'talk to' Triss? We've already seen young Kat knock her out LOL. I'm also doing this because, well I want to. I always wanted to take that side of the story a bit further. There will be a message from me just before the decision to remind you to save at that point so you can explore that branch of the story then come back. There will also be a choice at the end of the branch to jump back to that choice. Like I said, I put it in there just for fun. And, you'll want to check it out because I'm hoping to add a few scenes to the gallery for you to unlock from that path as well!

New Characters: Alright, I did mention in my last devlog (I think) that I will be adding a few new characters. You have actually already met one if you paid attention to a certain scene... the little crab! LOL! He is basically comic relief though. But in 1.3 we'll be meeting a new girl. She is a brand new, Serenity character (not from another game). And I am surprised no one has asked about her since there are basically 2 main 'magics' in Serenity - fade and... shade. We have a girl named Fade... You should get the idea without me saying more (feel free to speculate and chat about it in discord lol). Now as to another character that IS from another game (she will become a permanent character in Serenity), I'm still not revealing her. And if you happen to know, please keep it to yourself! I cannot reveal much about her because it would spoil some cool things that will be happening.

Serenity Future: I have posted about the future of Serenity and changed things so many times it's rather funny now. But, I think I've finally outlined the path I want to take. At some point, I do want to end Serenity and start working on Last Human. I can't work on both together, it's just too much with my full time job and all. So my solution to this: Version 1.3 is going to bring us into the part of the story where MC is introduced to what he and the girls will actually do. 1.4 will be like a 'pilot' episode for what they'll be doing. I may then do a 1.5 version and bring that to an end. Now, don't panic! Once this part of the story ends, I'll start a new build where I will be creating 'episodes' and adding them (instead of "Days" or just "versions"). The reason I want to do it this way is because I don't want the download file to get too much bigger. Think of the current Serenity as a prelude to the Serenity 'series' I am planning. Each episode will deal with a new situation, possibly with visiting characters from the past or even other games. When I start this, I will work on Serenity episodes every other month. And on those in between months, I'll start working on Last Human... if any of you follow MrDots, it will be similar to how they work on DmD and Sunshine Love. Each month I will release an update for one game or the other. Not everyone will like this, some will love it. I can't please everyone of course but this is a workflow I can handle and I'll finally be able to get you guys started on Last Human, which will also be 'episodic'. What I want to do is try releasing each episode as an update you can add rather than downloading the entire thing again. It will make your downloads WAY smaller for each update. Please, feel free to speak your mind in the comments about this plan :)

Also in 1.3, I've created a new title screen and changed the music. Don't worry, the old song will remain in the "audio" folder. It is fromwithin.mp3. This was the only music in Serenity that is my own composition. If I had time to make my own soundtrack, I would love to do that but it just isn't feasible right now. So I'll continue to pay licensing to use professional music as long as I can still find music I deem fitting for my stories.

That's it for now guys. So much happening and so much work to do... We have a lot to look forward to!




thanks for the update N2! very excited for the future and your continued works!


I agree with Scooter, I can't wait to see what happens next and how the world of Serenity grows, outstanding work Mr Fire.


Great news Fire. I was kind of wondering about that scene by the fountain. This makes it a lot more clear.


I'm looking forward to both the continuation of Serenity AND Last Human!


See Fire, what you need to do is split yourself into 13 different people and send 7 of them out into the cold uncaring world to slave away while the remaining 6 of you get to work on Last Human and Serenity... FOREVER!!!!! Mwahahahaha (evil laughing)


Yep, I definitely need to do that! I have too many plans and not enough of me to go around! lol