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Hello Neko Lovers!

Well, we're just a few days shy of 2 weeks from beta release for version 1.2! I am excited and very happy with how things are progressing. I am shooting for this release to happen on Friday 29th, just in time for the Halloween weekend. This release will bring us closer to the confrontation we've been waiting for. Also Trixy will get to show off her abilities a bit, we learn more about dragon script, and MC is beginning to gain more confidence and more aware that he can do whatever he wants.

Currently, I have about 85% of the images completed, all coding is complete with the exception of the gallery (which I disabled in the last update). No promises, but I plan to turn that back on for 1.2 (as long as it won't push me beyond my targeted release date). Once the images and animations are done, all that is left is the music, which I usually spend a day or two on choosing and placing... then proofreading/editing.

After 1.2, I will spend the next development period rewriting and completely re-rendering Days 4 and 5. Some scenes just need a complete make-over. Some others could also be improved but I mainly want to focus on the scene where MC first goes to Morgan's house. And also the following morning when MC wakes up in a dungeon. Both of those will definitely be redone. There are a few other (shorter scenes) I may do, depending on how much time it takes. If I have enough time, I may try to get some Day 14 content in there because I hate to do a release without at least some progress to the story. I'll have to manage my time well.

That's all for now my friends. :)




charles carman

oh ok, sorry man. just lovin the story.