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Hello my friends!

I've been quiet lately but that's only because I've been busy working on the next release for Serenity. I also had to take a few days off from both jobs to rest my brain and take some time for myself (something I am bad about). I just love doing this so much that I tend to keep going late into the night sometimes. I know some of my dev friends do the same thing... I've seen Cryoxxx work until he had to be at his other job in just a few hours. I have done that a few times myself so I can't really tease him about that.

Anyway, on to the development of Serenity's next release... Version 1.2 is coming along nicely. I recently released a sneak peak video where I had a test run-through from part of a scene (released to patrons in Discord). I've been spending a lot more time with my graphics, still trying to perfect my own personal style - hence the reason Serenity looks so different in a few sections of the game. Once 1.2 is public, I'll spend the next update period reworking Day 5 and a few other sections... the goal is to try and 'catch up' the artwork to where I am now with current graphics. Most other scenes before Day 5 have already been updated. I want to continue these improvement updates until everything matches up graphically. Morgan's character through the dungeon scene will be much improved and more on-par with how she really is. So there will be some rewriting done as well. Also the removal of ALL that stupid "flip animation" crap I did. Yeah I know, sorry about that. It was lame, even I know that.

Thanks to my income here from patrons, last week I was able to finally upgrade my CPU and made the switch to liquid cooling. This has made a huge difference. Working graphics in HS2 is nothing like Daz, mind you. But now I can have more characters in a scene without lagging so bad I can't work. Having 8 cores to work with over 4 has really helped. My next upgrade is the big one... I want to get an RTX at some point. I'm currently using a GTX1660 6gb, which is handling things just fine though. So I'm not in a hurry for that. With this damn chip shortage, prices are way high on computer parts. So I'm going to hold off until (hopefully) this shortage ends and prices start to come back down again.

That's about it for now. I am at the halfway point for this release, so it's looking really good for an end-of-month release before or by 31st of October. Coming in 1.2 is a tougher, more confident MC as he learns what he is and faces his father. By 1.3, he'll learn just why being a Dream Writer is so important, and what it is they actually do. And beyond that, you can expect more adventures and funny situations with less major problems. It's time to have some fun in this world and see just what we can do. Stay tuned my friends...

Love you all,



Glad you're taking time for yourself, Fire. We're a patient bunch, because we know the final product will be worth the wait. BTW, Braindrop used to have liquid cooling and he had some problems because of it. You may want to talk to him about it.


Keep up the good work!


If I have any problems with it, I still have my high performance coolermaster I can put back on.