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Hello everyone,

Well it's been a longer wait for this than I would have wanted for you guys. And I don't want to push it any further so here is Serenity version 1.1b for you. Between putting out unexpected fires for my full time job, sickness, and a damn hurricane... everything kept me from getting this update out sooner. Anyway I hope you enjoy it. I am just about finished with the writing/coding for the next update and will start working on images for that within the next few days.


  • plus 1042 images
  • plus 11 animations
  • plus 6 music tracks
  • 2800 lines of code
  • plus Day 11 and part 1 of Day 12


Serenity version 1.1b is about twice as long as my usual releases. Originally I intended to do Day 11 and all of Day 12 but I didn't want to wait any longer to release. So, Day 12 is 'part 1' of that day. Also because of this, it will seem to end rather abruptly (compared to the way I normally end an update). Sorry for this. But once the next update is out, it will flow smoothly.

This update, we'll see Kat doing some makeovers for a couple of the girls. So you'll get to see some girls with a refreshed appearance. A couple of girls will ascend, and we'll meet the last two characters that will be in Serenity (besides visitors). Speaking of visitors, we have a new one this update :)

Download Links:

serenity-1.1b-pc.zip (1.70gb)

serenity-1.1b-mac.zip (1.69gb)

serenity-1.1b-android (1.70gb)