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Happy Friday my friends!

A few things to talk about in this devlog... I did start rendering for 1.1 finally. I've had a few setbacks to my usual working schedule (for Serenity) due to major issues I've had to deal with for my full time job. And speaking of that, I'll be travelling starting on Sunday and won't be back until Wednesday night. So that will be another 4 days taken away from my rendering time. These setbacks happen and we'll roll with them. However, it also means 1.1 probably won't be ready before the end of this month. I'm still going to do my best to get it done as soon as possible, of course not at the cost of quality, which hopefully I am improving more on these days.

The question is still raised now and then about how close we are to an ending. My quick answer to that is: we still have a long way to go. I do have a lot more story events and even wrote some new ones recently. But I'm trying to be careful that nothing looks like 'filler'. My thing with Serenity is: everything happens for a reason - whether it be to show more of a character's personality, or because of events to follow. From here on out, versions aren't going to match 'in-game days' anymore (1.1 will be days 11 and 12). And as I announced in an earlier post, I am now writing as I go because my original draft of this story doesn't work anymore.

Anyway, on the endings... (Spoilers ahead) - Currently, I am planning 7 endings. There will be 6 endings for the main love interests (Lena, Rin, Jasmine, Kat, Trixy, and Morgan), then the 'harem' ending. Keep in mind, each ending is going to basically be a separate update to the game, with the harem ending probably taking more than one update to complete. And I still have a few updates before we get to those. I won't say when, but sometime in the next couple of updates, you'll start to make decisions. They are going to be difficult decisions sometimes because the girls are going to respond accordingly. (Major spoiler here for those concerned about hurting girls' feelings - skip to next paragraph if you don't want to know): The girls will respond emotionally, some with anger, some with sadness. But they will 'come to terms' with your choices.

Originally, I had no intention of having decisions and multiple endings. But after going this far into my first project, I realize from the perspective of an AVN fan myself that I want to see that in Serenity. My next project (Last Human) will definitely have multiple branching choices, so this will be a nice warmup for that. If you know someone who originally avoided Serenity because it had no choices, you might let them know they should give it another chance ;)

New looks - I'm sure you've noticed some new looks on some of the girls. A lot of AVN's will have a girl look basically the same throughout the story. To me, this isn't as realistic because girls frequently change up their hair and the kinds of clothes they wear. I like to see that in my game, first with the ascending girls, but also when they want to get dressed up to impress you. This is going to happen more when you start having to make decisions, as the girls will do their best to get your attention over others. It might even get a bit ugly between some of them! It's going to be a lot of fun and laughs though.

That's all I have. Hopefully some of this info gives you some hope and maybe a bit of hype lol. Anyway, I'll be doing what I can from now through tomorrow so I may not be as active in Discord. But you can PM me if you have a question or just want to say hello :)

Alright I'm out guys. Time to get back to this scene I've been stuck on and get it figured out. Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you on the other side! Meanwhile, replay Serenity... feed the fade! :D


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