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Greetings fellow Neko lovers! I have a few things to cover so we'll get right to it.

Version 1.1 Development Progress: I have reached a point in Serenity where I need to part ways with my original story as I had written it because for one thing, I came up with ideas for better events. But also because I want to write it better than I did originally. Plus, there is also the fact that we're getting close to the original ending I had planned when I first wrote it. It wasn't that long a story to begin with so when I decided to make it into an AVN, I knew that I would have to add more and make it longer with more events and interactions with the different girls. I want to give you guys a full, long journey that you'll want to read through again just because you want to relive some of those moments (even the sad ones). So, I have outlined my ideas for the rest of the story and will be "free-wheeling" it from here on out. Serenity will have multiple endings that you can choose from based on certain decisions you'll have to make. These decisions won't start happening until we're about 7 (in-game) days from the last day. I won't tell you how far away that is from Day 11, but you'll know when you start having to make some choices. This process will be some 'basic training' for me in preparation for Last Human because LH will be a "GAME" with branching choices. Currently, I'm thinking Last Human will be about 2 years in development, possibly longer. LH will be a crossover from 'life sim' to 'sci fi adventure' and yes, ALL females will indeed be Nekos. Anyway, got a bit off subject here... As I was saying, I am basically writing new content from here on out, so the writing process will take somewhat longer than before. I am in that stage of development for 1.1 right now - at about 25% including coding. Nothing has been rendered yet.

New Release Schedule: As you guys are well aware, I like to stick to a planned release schedule. So I always have a date I am aiming for to release each new update. As of right now, my planned release date for version 1.1 is July 30th (which is on a Friday). If you subscribe to a tier on my Patreon or my SubscribeStar (any tier), then once I start rendering, I'll be releasing random images from 1.1 that you'll be able to see (this includes the $2 tier on Patreon so if you need or want to lower your subscription until release, go for it).

Discord Roles: At some point this month, I want to scrap most of the Discord roles and just have 2, one for all patrons, and one for Crown patrons. I'm doing this because for one thing, most of those channels see little to no activity at all. And, the roles tend to get really screwed up by the bot. Plus, I hate the really long list of channels in the left panel... I can imagine Goddess and Crown tiers hate that also. So, there will be some changes to Discord at some point this month and some reorganizing.

The $2 tier: Last month I let the $2 tier have the game along with the $5 tier. No one leaked the game before it went public this time. I won't make guarantees but, I may do this again for you guys for 1.1. Fact is, there are more $2 guys who have been with me for a very long time and haven't gotten a lot back outside of a few patron-only posts. As long as the game doesn't get leaked, I may update that tier as such so that you can pay $2 or $5 and get the game a week before public. I like the idea of tiers being as close as possible, leaving the choice of how much you want to give to support me up to you, no matter when you get the release. I did this at the very beginning and got burned twice so I stopped doing that. So now we'll try it again and see how it goes. Thank you $2 supporters for your continued support!

Feedback: I received a lot of really great feedback for 1.1 (also for 1.0). I'm really surprised at how far I've come with this project and how well it has been received so far. The thought of what I know is coming in Serenity makes me excited and I can't wait to know what you think after the 1.1 update.

SpicyGaming.net: If you've never been to this site, you really should check it out. Serenity is listed there. They are in the process of building a new site to replace the current one with a lot of exciting features. You can find many games there and they have done a great job of working with developers. There are reviews and videos, plus they have a Discord server, and even a Patreon should you want to support them. I highly recommend adding it to your list of AVN sites, as I think it is going to grow into a pretty heavy player in this community.

That's all I have for now guys and gals. I'll post another devlog in about a week to let you know where I'm at. Thanks again for your support!




Hey guys, quick note - if you visit Serenity on SpicyGaming.net, give it a like! :)


I like where you're going with your game planning. As a $5, I don't have any objection to you giving the $2 patrons the same as me. Like I always say, I support devs because I like what they're doing and who they are, not for any baubles. Keep up the great work. I wish you the best. BTW just went over to SpicyGaming.net and gave you a like. They seem like a cool site.