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Hello again everyone!

Things are moving along much quicker than I thought they would. My workflow since I first started doing this has improved quite a lot. Posing is a lot less tedious with the extra RAM and better video card. I still want to upgrade to an RTX eventually, but this is quite a contrast between back then when I was working on my old computer. Anyway, let's dive in.

Improvements worklog
As of today, I have now re-rendered 310 images from earlier scenes. Originally, the old scenes were rendered at 1080, but now they're all rendered at 4k then reduced to 1080, improving the image quality substantially from those old shots. The two images above are from the improvements I am working on. The scene where you find Kat on the island, and then in the backyard where she complains about her tailbone itching (hehe).

I am currently at that scene (in the backyard with Kat) and will continue from that point today. My intention is to proceed until the scene where MC meets the Nekos and confronts Morgan. I'll redo all of those island shots so they match the previous ones I've redone. After that, the last part I wanted to get done for this update is the ascension scene with Kat. Once that scene is done, I'll begin working on renders for day 10.

1.0 Release
You all know I hate to give any release dates because I just never know how things are going to pan out. And if I don't like something, I'll push that date out so I have time to make it right. With that said, I am shooting for a release sometime in the middle of next month. Like I said, that is not carved in stone. The fade willing, I'll do it. Worse case, I wouldn't release until the end of next month, which is what I consider my deadline right now.

Next Improvements
Once 1.0 is out, I'll do the same thing again. Next focus will be on the scenes with Cassie and Samantha in the dungeon. I am planning to change that entire scene completely. I just don't like anything about it. So, it will be the only scene that gets a full rewrite. Basically the same thing will happen, but I want to go about it differently. The sex scene there will be removed, as I've come up with a better way to approach these two interesting characters. We'll have MC come back to them later in the game. This rewrite will affect some dialogue, so I'll be going over lines and making sure things match up, but I think you guys will like what I have in mind better. I'll be removing the corny looking "stop animations". Beyond that scene, the only other scene I really want to redo is the scene when you go to Morgan's house to confront her, and make peace. It will get a re-render and some slight edits to the dialogue. I like this scene but I feel like it needs a bit more added to it. Also I'm not really happy with the images so they'll be completely redone with some better lighting and background visuals. The house is supposed to be empty, but it is just a little too empty. And of course, will remove the corny stop-animation in this scene as well.

Thank you guys and gals for your patience! We're seeing light at the end of the tunnel here so it won't be much longer now. :)

Love and peace,




looking forward to more of your awesome story and great work firey