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Hello fellow dream writers! The fade is alive with activity this morning (morning for me anyway). A few days ago, Serenity v0.9 released to upper tiers, and tomorrow night I will release it to the $5 (Fade Angel) tier. I have a lot to tell you in this devlog, so bear with my wall of text!

I recently put up a poll for patrons to vote on which girls they would like to spend time with next (in version 1.0 (Day 10). That poll closes tomorrow but it looks like the winners will be Morgan, and Kathryn. Tomorrow when the poll closes, I'll follow the order as they were voted on starting with most votes, over the next few updates (in-game days).

About my version numbers - Yes, I know they aren't the way most people do them. I don't care. I wanted them this way... 1.0 is day 10, 1.1 is day 11, etc... If I have to release fixes for releases, they'll get letters at the end (1.1a, 1.1b, etc.).

On Serenity endings (which are a LONG way off yet), I also announced that there will be choices for who you want to end the story with (or the original "harem" ending I had already written). So, Serenity will have multiple endings after all. Although there aren't a lot of choices to steer the story around like some other VN's out there, I figured the least I could do was offer some different endings based on player preference. So hopefully that gets a few of you excited. :)

The android version of 0.9 had a minor issue (missing menu image error) which I have fixed. I will re-upload that today and edit the link in the original post. So if you're using android and choose to join the $5 tier so you can grab the game a week early, there should be no issues with that now. However, if you already have the one that does that, I think it doesn't show up until you get to the end of the current update (you can bypass the error).

Please remember that if you join before April 1st, you will get charged for March, then again on April 1st for April. So if you plan to join the $5 tier, wait until the 1st. I don't like the way Patreon does this to our patrons, but we have no control over it.

My current plan for the future of Serenity looks to last well into next year before we get into the endings and I keep learning new things and improving as I go. I am not hurrying to go back and fix/redo older content right now because I would rather keep pushing the story out to you. But at some point in the future, I will probably spend one month on doing that... maybe just before things get really dark again in the story. Speaking of dark... I've seen comments about things get dramatic but are over with too fast. That is true. To that I'll say this: hold my beer. What is coming is going to be a long and painful situation that won't be over with in a hurry. I'll leave it to your imaginations and debates as to what that may be. But, trust me when I tell you, it is going to get busy when something reaches into Serenity from the void... so keep your pantyhose on boys and girls.

I wanted to take this moment to thank so many of you who have sent very kind words either privately or with your comments on my posts in various sites. Thanks for giving my first project a chance and sticking with it! I have a long way to go yet, but I think I have been able to really improve graphics and story-telling. I have such awesome ideas and plans still to come. If you thought 0.8 was emotional, stick around! :)

One last thing... a shoutout to my friends over at MrDots. He and his writer, HearszAM were a huge help for me starting out. The boost in confidence to do this and the tips helped push me to start doing this. As well as being inspired by one of my favorite AVN's, Melody.

Love and peace as always,




I like MrDots and his content. I support his work as well.


I enjoyed playing his Melody game, but I don't like the way he keeps everything behind the cash wall.


I can understand that. Not all devs do things the same. I think MrDots saw it as a business model he wanted to go with. I still have mad respect for those guys, but my projects will never go that route.


I understand why he does it. It is a straight business for him. I respect that he wishes to be paid for all the work he does, and that is why I support N2TheFire as well. I want to show my support to him as I am getting pleasure from his work. Everyone that has worked hard likes to get paid for what they do, I am no exception either. But alas, I have neither the talent nor the equipment to be this creative.


Don't get me wrong, I want to make money too. But I'm not looking to get rich overnight with this thing. I'd rather stick with a slow approach. I think AVN's should always have a free public release at the end. People that choose to pay are rewarded with the releases first of course. But no one has to pay to get the update once it goes public. I have no intention of changing that no matter how much money I start making. ;)


Oh no, If that was my impression, I apologize. I just wanted to say that I under stood why MrDots does what he does. There are many that have a free public release of their content, and I do think that it is great. But for MrDots it is a straight business for him. I think that having a free demo at a minimum would help some creators. There are games that I am interested in but will not purchase because I have not seen the gameplay. But again, the creator sets how their content is released, not the player. I do feel that if you like the content, you should at least be willing to show some support if you can.