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Hello my friends,

I've had to take some personal time, just a few days, to get my head together and to cope with the loss of my step sister. The other day, she passed away after getting COVID. She was already in bad health. Her loss is a tough one for me because we were a lot alike and enjoyed the same kinds of games. Since she was disabled, I had spent a lot of time with her playing Guild Wars 2, a game we both enjoyed very much. It made her happy and helped with her depression. I am doing okay, I know that she is in a better place now. But I'll be driving up there to help her sister with a few things and to visit with them (they live in another state).

For those of you who have sent kind messages, thank you very much. It warms my heart to know I have others out there who care enough to contact me. I haven't replied but, just know that I appreciate you guys. I'll be back full force sometime this weekend. Renders for version 0.8 are about 75% completed now, so not much longer and that will be released for Fade Goddess, Fade Defender, and Fade Crown tiers.

Love all you guys,



Dead Throne

Sorry to hear you lost your sister. Take all the time you need. If want to talk man I am here for you ✌❤


Fire, so sorry to hear about your step-sister. Take all the time you need. Your mental health is much more important than any deadlines. Be well.


My thoughts are with you. 💜 Please take care. We'll be here.


Sorry to hear about your step-sister. Be well. Take care.


so sorry to hear this, God's speed


just take care of your family and yourself firey <3 and dont hesitate to ask if you need some help

Naughty James

sorry to hear your lost, my pray and wishes are with ya but please take the time to heal and we be here waiting for ya when you ready to work on them neko again

Scott Wulf

Take care of yourself and your Fam N2. You and them are in my thoughts, just so you know.


Take your time and take good care about your family. I know how hard a lost can be.


Unfortunately I just received this notice, but I wanted to still respond. It saddens me to hear of the loss of your sister. Take whatever time you need to, we will be here when you are ready.

Neal Stephens

Sorry for your lose, RL comes first always, especially when it's family.


it's allways a shame that we have to lose someone we love to have proof that this idiots are wrong who say that covid doesn't exist. my big sister is a nurse with her own big station here in the hospital. i'm glad that i still have her and can give her strenght to do her hard job these dayseven she lost her husband a few months ago, she still is there for the people