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Hello my friends!

Today I used funds from patrons to subscribe to a music licensing site. First off, let me say this about music in Adult Visual Novels... I was an AVN fan before I was a developer. I found that most AVNs just didn't choose the right music to fit a situation. So, I would usually turn off the sound and run my own playlist. With that, I assumed that is what most players do. There are only a few games out there doing music the right way... to add suspense or atmosphere, emotions... My friend and fellow dev, Glacerose is doing this very well with his AVN, Sylphine (Check it out).

Anyway, while writing Serenity I thought, how cool would it be if I could amplify the feelings I want to convey here with sound or music? Some AVN fans play these things just to get to the "sweet stuff". That's fine, but not my personal style. If a story is good, and made richer by the music, I view the sweet stuff as reward. Granted, I moved Serenity's story pretty quickly because I have so much content to cover (I've barely scraped the surface of Serenity guys). So I didn't spend a lot of time with music.

However, I am in a place now where I feel like it would give Serenity something more. No matter the results of this poll, music will be there, and the option to disable music will always be there (I will never take options away from you). I can only ask that you take in my craft as I intended... with the music. Focus on the story, images, and the music placed in where I felt it would work well with the situation. The music you hear in the main menu when you first open the game is of my own creation. I wrote that song in the late 90's, as well as a few others you may have heard in there. But I want something more modern, more professional. If I had the time, I would create my own but writing and rendering take up enough of my time.

Music will not be playing throughout the entire story, but at certain junction points, or where I feel it will work. My question for you is... Do you turn off music when you play an AVN? I'm interested to know how you guys feel about it. Thank you for taking the time to read this and answer my poll! Love to you all...



Not sure how many others are in the same boat as me, but I actually can't read when I have music or other background noise going. Thus I mute everything if I have to read.


I can see doing that also. Especially if its a complicated story or a game with a lot of choices to make.


we normally have music or a series running in the back ground hihi


Yes I think I remember talking to you guys in DM about music before. But, would you be willing to try Serenity with it's music on? :)

Scott Wulf

I don't mind having music on. I listen to it if it is included. Sometimes it doesn't quite fit, but that doesn't stop me. I am also a long time watcher of subbed anime and movies, so it is never an issue for me to have sound going. Just how "I" roll.


you know we tried the music you put on cause you asked we would try again we are just used to it cause when we game half the time you have heard the music a lot hihi