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Hello all you Neko-maniacs! Sorry, I know I've been quiet lately. Just focused and balancing my full time job with Serenity work. I am making nice progress on .5 and still looks good for a release before the end of this month. A few folks have sent me private messages asking me to please not stop working on games. I'm not sure where this came from but please... I have no intention of stopping. So no worries there! 

Anyway, on to the update... as you can see, I've added 3 renders to this post. These are some girls with new clothing. These aren't final renders, they're screenshots right out of Studio Neo for AI. For those of you who love Morgan (as a demon) please don't panic. There is a reason for her appearance as a normal girl here! She is still a demon! Spoilers ahead...

Well, based on the screenshots posted here, you can maybe guess what might be happening in day 5. (Really, if you don't want to know, please stop reading and skip the rest of this paragraph!)... Without giving away TOO much... Mom (Karen) will make her return. A nice reunion with Morgan. Most have seen the screens in the credits in version .4 with the two demon girls. There was some speculation on f95 about the possibility of a 'rape' tag. Although I don't condone this content, I think I will leave the scene alone. I don't think it's as much rape as perhaps a little S&M or teasing and that scene is VERY brief. You'll understand better when you see it for yourself. If you don't like that and refuse to play future versions based on that, I understand. But this is my art and I won't be changing anything else. I've said this before and I'll say it again now - I am not doing this to get rich. I am doing this because I have a story to tell and I love doing it and plan to keep going as long as people want me to. Anyway, with that said... the scene with the demon girls will be the first part of Day 5 and the rest will be some time with Kat, Rin, Morgan, and of course, Karen (Mom). You will be spending some quality time with Rin to close out Day 5, and get to know her a bit better.

Looking ahead - (Very minor spoilers) - I already have a good idea how Day 6 is going to play out. I've had many requests for more content with Lena. Don't worry, you're going to get that in Day 6. I want to shine a spotlight on her next since there hasn't been as much interactivity with her yet. We need to get to know her. The same can be said about the other kitties, Rin and Jasmine. All that will be coming in following updates. For those begging me for more Trina... be patient my young padawans!

Changes - After a few conversations about Rin's full name (Adrian), I've decided to rename her to Andria. It seems that for some, Adrian sounded too much like a male name. And after talking with people and thinking, I agreed and made the change. I don't like to change something so major in the middle of a story, but at least the name looks very similar.

Animations - I want to give a shout out to Cryoxxx, creator for a very nice game called Oppai Odyssey. I am supporting him because I am really enjoying his project, so please go check it out if you haven't! He is also creating his game in AI. He took time out of his day to work with me on animations and go through the process. I now understand the correct way to setup an animation. I still have a ways to go before I can make really nice animations so they'll still be rare in Serenity... but I'll be adding them in as I can. I know that animations will make Serenity more enjoyable by more people, so I won't give up on them yet.

Patrons - For my patrons, I'm planning on doing some renders to use as desktop backgrounds. I'll be posting up a poll later to choose a girl (or girls) as well as lewd and not lewd choices. More on this later :)

That's all I have for now! Again, thank you guys for following and supporting my work, I appreciate that very much!




wooo more neko time thank you for all the hard work and a great game N2


Neko Neko Neee! <3

Scott Wulf

More Neko is always a welcome thing! And nice to see mention of Trina.....and did I mention lovely Nekos?! Thanks as always for all your hard work N2!