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(EDIT) - Since the update went public before I intended, might as well make the post public. I've come to expect that this sort of thing will happen. It is what it is. Some people just can't wait a few days for the legit release date, sad... but oh well. Not much I can do about it. Apparently this particular person has done this to a few other dev friends. But that's okay... N2 will press on and Day 5 is in the works now (new status update coming soon). So, please enjoy!

Here it is folks, at long last. Serenity .3, days 3 and 4. I will no longer do 2 in-game days per update unless I feel a real need for it. It just takes too long with the way I like things to be... a render per line spoken (mostly).

This update brings us a bit further into the main plot, but it will really start to take off in day 5, when some new characters will make their appearance and some new and interesting things happen with a certain girl (all hinted at in the credits images so keep going after the "save your game here" comment!). There are no animations here other than 2 "flip-card" type animations I did just to see how it would look. I left them in and look forward to any comments. It isn't meant to be a smooth animation (as with a lewd scene) but more of a 'transition'. I simply didn't have time to work on real animations with all my computer issues and wasn't going to chance it. My new CPU won't arrived until the middle of next week and I didn't want to wait any longer to release this.

I also wanted to comment on sounds in these games. I don't usually listen to them when I myself play them. However, Serenity has 2 songs in it... the title sequence (my own music) which stops once the game is started, and then a short one during the credits at the end. So, leave your sound on. I promise, no cheesy sound effects or music during the story!

That's it... I hope you enjoy it! :)

Serenity v.0.3 (Days 3 & 4)
(Major updates will always include previous days)

Serenity-0.3-pc.zip (726mb)
Serenity-0.3-mac.zip (709mb)



woohoo thank you N2

Scott Wulf

Looking forward to playing! Having been waiting for a while, so when I saw from Obi this was out...well, other game I WAS playing is on hold until I play through this!!!!