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So there has been a new development. I ordered all the parts for a new system and when I clicked submit, I think my old computer didn't like that! It decided to start acting up. As a result, I'll now have to wait until the new one comes in before I can start rendering day 4 again. Good news is, I won't lose anything at all... everything is still there and also on my backup drives. The project folder for Serenity is being backed up live at all times so I never lose progress there.

Now you understand why I said I don't like setting a release date. I did and see what happened!? LOL. Anyway, at least I have a new system on the way with twice the power I had before. Most of it is due to arrive on Wednesday, but we'll see how that goes.

Before the bullshit happened, I was about 1/3rd through renders for day 4. After those plus the special renders for the credits, I'll be ready to beta test then release. It could possibly happen by this weekend still so that's a bit of good news as well.

Anyway, be safe, be well, peace, love and all that stuff. I'll post another update as soon as the situation changes. :)


Scott Wulf

No prob! Looking forward to the update when it comes out! Will be fun to play through the first release from the start again anyways!


Dont stress yourselfe like that, thats not healthy for your old fart heart, buddy. ❤


no worries N2 you'll get there shit just happens sadly so enjoy the break you get while waiting ;)