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Just a quick screenshot from Day 3 development I had posted in my Discord patron channel. Then, I remembered that I have 2 patrons who aren't on Discord and wanted to make sure you guys could see it, and also make sure you know what's going on with the next update.

As for the status update: I have the script for days 3 and 4 written and added to the game script, along with image placeholders. I started rendering yesterday (Thursday) morning and managed to get 100 (of 597) completed. Day 3 will contain 340 images, day 4 will have 250, plus 7 more in the credits at the end (usually just renders I did for fun and/or scenes for next update). Those numbers could change of course if I see that something needs to be added.

On another note: (SMALL SPOILER) The scene in Day 2 where MC and Kathryn go to Trina's office... I want to redo those images because the FOV was a bit off (they look squished or something). I meant to do that when I reworked the story (for version .02b) and forgot about it.

I'm going to try to get some kind of animation done for the next release. As you know, I am still learning to do that. I have managed to create a few, very short animations but just didn't like the way they looked. I have a full, open weekend all to myself finally... so I'm hoping to get a lot done. :)



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