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Alright... patrons only...

I want some opinions. Now, I've already written Serenity pretty much through to its ending. However, I have to rewrite and adjust things because it wasn't originally meant to be an interactive visual novel.

There has been a huge split between those who love Kat and are waiting to see what happens, and those who think she's a slut and should have been left behind.

Since you guys are actually supporting me with money, Your opinion matters more to me. I didn't start doing this for the money but the money will help me upgrade my PC one day hopefully and keep my monthly subs going with things like mega. But I am not looking to make a living off this (at least not at the moment). I have a full time job in IT but that job allows me time to work on this as well in between things. Anyway... moving on...

I want to know if you guys think I need to adjust anything concerning Kat moving forward based on what everyone has said. My first goal is to keep you guys happy and entertained. Serenity is going to have a long run before I start my next game (which is also already written). So there is a lot more to come even beyond this one.

First, let's address a couple of the comments I have seen (briefly):

WARNING: Below here there are major spoilers!! Mainly concerning Kathryn. You can skip this if you want to be surprised and comment with how you think I should proceed without reading it. I'll try not to spoil more than I need to in order to get my point across.


Kat is a slut and how does she know so much about sex already?
My answer to this is: Just because Kat said MC just needs some practice and she would make him the best lover... doesn't mean she is some expert because she was fucking everything in sight. Kathryn reads a lot of manga and loves to watch porn. A LOT. She's always wanted MC but he thought she was kinda slutty because of all the sex talk and her flirtatious ways, so he wasn't quick to accept her in that way just yet. She got to him in the shower because she wants only him. And she did have sex before with Brad so she isn't a virgin. When she said she "loves virgins"; she was picking on him. The dialog can be interpreted in different ways and perhaps its my fault that she was taken like this by so many.

Why wasn't Kat there supporting MC while he dealt with his mom for 5 years?
Simple. She was living her own life. But she didn't just "never come see him". Kat tried to visit many times but MC found excuses to push her away. After Mom died, he had no one else at all except Kat. She was there for him through her funeral. She waited at his house after that when he went to see Trina (which is where the story basically picks up).

My final thoughts on this (AGAIN SPOILERS!): MC and Kat will address these little issues mentioned above during Day 3 (the next update). That is what my plan was already. MC will find out that he has misunderstood Kat for quite a while.


My question for you guys: Should Kat remain in the story or should I write her out? It can be done, though I don't really want to write her out - I will do that for you guys if you wanted me to. Should I proceed as I outlined above, my original plan? The scene is touching the way I have it written I think. Or do you have other ideas/suggestions?

I'll close now and let you guys discuss. Might be better to discuss in Discord but please only in the Patrons section in "serenity-talk".


Neal Stephens

Personally i liked kat, more so now that her back story has been explained. Would hope you keep her, maybe just fine tune her dialogue or add some backstory to the game, possibly both. In the end though it's your story and your never gonna make everyone happy. Lol just realized some backstory was planned.