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I thought since this is my very first AVN, and this patreon is brand new, I would post this up for others who come here who may be considering a tier. As well as for those who have already become patrons. My goal here is to be as transparent and open to you guys as possible. This may also answer a lot of questions about what Serenity will be... a game, story, choices, no choices, etc..

First, its no secret that I am new to this community, only about 6 months now. I have been using HS for just about as long. I switch between HS and AI. Serenity will be rendered using AI because there are assets in there that fit the story better and they look a bit nicer. But even in this short time, I've gained many friends and many supporters. I've always been a writer first and foremost, and continuing to improve. Some of you may know me from my story that was based on the MrDots game, Melody. That story was Girl Trouble (one day, I hope to make it into a proper AVN).

So let's talk about this project. Serenity is a fantasy adult visual novel inspired by other games and anime with Nekos. I love Nekos! But, I also like realistic characters and plots. I don't like long, over-complicated and overbearing plots that can cause confusion. I like those AVN's where you can relax and enjoy the story, and its easy to understand. So, let's cover some basic questions I've been asked, and some I think I would ask:

1 - Will there be choices with consequences? Will they affect the ending?

    a: There will be some choices that will affect how a person is going to react, or how the conversation will flow. As for affecting the ending... no. It is my intention to create an interesting story with a single ending this time around. After Serenity, it is very possible my next project will go a step further.

2 - Animations?

    a: No. At least at this point I'll say no. With that said, I am indeed learning about doing them now and I definitely WANT animations. But, in Serenity... probably not likely. It would take way too long to get it released since I am literally just starting to learn how to do that. The last thing I want to do is attempt something I haven't had enough practice with and possibly ruin the visual I have for the story.

3 - Release schedule?

    a: After giving this a lot of thought, I think I've decided to do my first release with 2 in-game days. Then following releases will add another day. Now, my "day" will be a lot of content. I am trying very hard not to rush through content and make it flow too fast. As far as schedule... I'm thinking a month to 2 months (from now) for my first release. I know, that's a little while and I'm sorry. But I am still hammering out some details that I want to get right. Quality of story is of huge importance to me. After that, my goal is to release the next in-game day of content at least once per month. I want it so that people paying monthly at least have a reason to stick around (thank you guys).

4 - Sex in the first release?

    a: LOL... someone asked me this one. No, you'll have to work for that. However, there will definitely be some lewd scenes. And this subject goes back to question number 1: some choices you make during the game will affect whether you're going to get a lewd scene. There may only be one or two of these opportunities in the first release. But they'll get more common as you progress with the girls.

5 - Is Last Human still being developed?

    a: YES. Last Human is my baby. More accurately, its mine and Nope's project together. I wrote it, he's rendering it. I have already laid down script for the follow-up, and completed writing for the first small game. Currently, Nope is slowly making progress on renders but dealing with RL stuff at the same time, so bear with us on that. We'll be setting up a separate Patreon for our team project (NopeFire Games).

I want Serenity to have romance, some comedy, and a dash of drama. In my opinion, AVN's work better if they're not over-dramatic. Most people play these to see lewd content, or at least have that as the goal of the story. I don't want sex to be the goal. And I don't want it to be the reason people play it. I want sex to be like an unexpected reward of sorts. I want to tease the reader but keep him/her interested by slowly stepping it up. And I do love a romance where the MC needs to break down walls and barriers to get into a girl's heart, and then open her to 'other things'. I also love fantasy and magical storylines. So there will be some of that as well. Serenity will have a mechanic that is inspired by a very old game called MIST where some people learned how to write books that describe a world and people which becomes reality for the person who reads it. In Serenity, the MC's mother had that ability and left him her book. Of course you know he is going to read it and be transported... somewhere. And that's where all the fun will begin. That's all of the plot I want to reveal for now.

Well, hopefully this answers some questions and gives people who happen to come by here some idea of what I'm about as well as what Serenity is about and what expectations you should have. Becoming a Patron will get you access to some renders I don't share anywhere else as well as first dibs on all releases. All tiers receive releases immediately, public releases will follow about 2 weeks after that depending on circumstances. I'll be posting up a lot of (NSFW) renders as often as I can for my patrons and will very likely do wallpapers as well. I will also release some renders publicly. Of course, those won't be lewd. Anyway, thanks for reading all of this. I hope that you are safe, corona-free, and happy. Now I need to get my ass back to work. :) 


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