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Across distant worlds there have come to be a species of brutal and thoughtless creatures known as the Orckin. Many clans work to make their way across the stars but often come into contact creatures that look like they're good for a fight, and the Orckin are happy to see if it's true, whether it is another starfaring species, giant horrible monsters, or even other Orckin clans as they scream their eternal battle cry "RAAAGH!"

'Ladz' are, not to grind too fine a point on it, the "greenest" of the Orckin dedicated warriors. They are an unrefined, ununified, unsmart (uh...) rabble that kill first and ask questions never, because it hurts too much to learn.

Orckin Lad 1
Orckin Lad 1 Outlined
Orckin GunLad 1
Orckin GunLad 1 Outlined
Orckin FytaLad 1
Orckin FytaLad 1 Outlined

Orckin Ladz Set
Orckin Ladz Set Outlined
Orckin Weapons Set (PNGs)

Orckin Lad Separated Parts (PNGs)
Orckin Lad Modular File (PSD)
Orckin Lad Recolor File (PSD)

Orckin GunLad Separated Parts (PNGs)
Orckin GunLad Modular File (PSD)
Orckin GunLad Recolor File (PSD)

Orckin FytaLad Separated Parts (PNGs)
Orckin FytaLad Modular File (PSD)
Orckin FytaLad Recolor File (PSD)
