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Deathworld class planets are inimical to humanoid settlement with too many dangers to reasonably be conquered. In the case of jungle deathworlds, the lifeforms have developed such competitive biomes that survival is below 1% in the first hours of landing.
So HERE are all the parts you need to drop your players into a place like this!
This release includes a showcase jungle map that can be treated as a "natural dungeon" with traps and area effects galore. There are also additional terrain tiles for seamless texturing. 

Deathworld Plant Assets
Deathworld Jungle Map 140px/Square
Deathworld Jungle Map 140px/Hex
Deathworld Jungle Map 280px/Square
Deathworld Jungle Map 280px/Hex
Deathworld Jungle Map Annotated

This includes the assets released previously but in the intended DPI settings so that the assets should open in your preferred are programs at the correct relative size.
This update forced me to establish a new export process for assets that should carry over to token releases as well.



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