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Dangerous people in hazardous surroundings. Armed and dangerous thugs watch over the local addicts that cycle through looking for another hit. The majority of the floor ahs been adapted for protection against any Raid that the Dreddful law enforcement may seek to conduct, assuming they're brave or naïve enough to try.
Other, far more nefarious activities may also be occurring, but a lack of internal electronic security makes it impossible to know without eyes inside. The party will simply need to investigate for themselves.

The primary den and narcotics distribution point for the sector, an entire hab floor has been taken over by one splinter gang whose operations extend through a number of other medium level criminal organizations. Chemists and addicts have been seen entering for days at a time, and other activity has suggested that the hab block floor has been converted to sustain extended living and gang activities.

Mission - Render lab and habitat utterly inoperable.

Aim -  Force the current operators to relocate. Continual harassment should result in internal strain and collapse.

Salvage - Anything you can reasonably extract is available for repurposing. The site likely stores chemicals and lab equipment, though of unidentified make and quality.

Payment - Guaranteed surveillance scrub of location.



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