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Recently, I've been working on a few projects that are eating up my time but my commitment to TL is still in full swing, as you can probably see. I really need to hit the social media circuit more often and show off but it's a big job to do alone. If any of you amazing patrons regularly surf the boards on Reddit or Facebook, pretty much anywhere you're able to throw up an image showing how cool and useful this stuff is, it goes a long way to getting more traffic, and the more patronage I can secure, the more I can produce. Such as...

TL on Roll20 - Techlanders has it's first full pack releases on the Roll20 Marketplace! The Swarm pack (a huge pack of themed tokens and map assets) and the Chromatic Dragon pack. With the completion of the Starfarer tokens, 2 more packs will be released shortly after. This is just a neat step forward for the entire project so I wanted to share.

The Last Starfarers -  This is it! Once these remaining tokens are complete, I will begin working on new theme tokens from other systems. There will still be a "Starfarer Player Pack" to be completed containing modular assets for the standard player character races for the setting. I will probably take some time later to make a pack of the iconic ships and vehicles where possible, but I might wait until I get some demand for it. The Endbringer Devil is also quite a specific design and it will be completed when the 100 Patron Goal is met, which I'll be excited to see.
If there are some other really stand-out creatures appropriate to the Starfarer set that you think deserve more attention, please let me know.

Traveller Tokens - Continuing from the previous note, I know there are a number of my patrons that play Traveller and, though much of the Techlanders library works across many different settings, there are always a few of those special species that make the setting. So I will be producing 3 of the staple alien races of the Traveller setting in modular tokens to help fill that void. The K'kree, Droyne, and Hivers, with and without armor and weapons. This will probably have to be put to the voting polls because I'm just one guy and there's only so many hours I can work on it.

Campaign Setting? - As expressed in the previous update, my home game generates a lot of peripheral artwork and detail. With enough interest, I intend to produce a campaign setting based in the "Intus Star System" homebrew setting that I run. The document will tell of the mysterious history of the star system, the second expansion of humanity, the planets, people and politics that reign across each world and how you can bring some of the unique elements of the setting into your game. This is still a long way off, but you will see more of the work that will go into it as time goes on as additional extras are released here on the Patreon.
I'd love to hear any feedback about whether this is something that you might be interested in. I read all feedback and really appreciate the effort put in to helping Techlanders be awesome.

Maps - On the way soon. I need to complete one more map before I can launch with some sort of lead. I'd like to avoid a false start due to workload malfuntion.

That's all for now. Thank you for your continuing support and for those that have only just joined. I hope this has given you a look at how much is in motion within this project at the moment that YOU are making possible. Please feel free to say Hi and all comments, likes, feedback and recommendation is hugely appreciated. Thank you all!





Keep up the good work! I'm definitely looking forward to the Traveller tokens, but everything else has been fantastic too.

Loup Garou

The setting looks neat! Everything else does too of course.


Thanks. Lots on the way. I'm really excited to finish the Starfarers and start ticking off other settings.