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Hello Wonderful World Builders! I'm letting you all in on where this months tokens are up to and some of the other things that I've been working hard on. This project has adapted and evolved as I've been working on it, certainly for the better, but as my level of quality has increased the time required to produce it has also (this was originally all meant to be the style and details level of the Free Starter Pack) so please read on to see some of the changes on the way.

Tokens - This month's vote was for Starfarer content which is nearly complete as a full set. The Void Hag (near and dear to me thanks to my NPC Baba Data), the Glitch Gremlin, and the Calecor fey creature are the least that will be released this month, though I intend to push it as much as I can with the "free time" I have. There will also be 2 other altered commission tokens that I am nearly done with that will hopefully be out this month.

Maps! - I held a poll a while ago about whether I should delve into map making. The results were very close, so due to the amount of interest I've decided to move forward with it. However, originally this was going to be part of the project that would split my time between maps or tokens, and the current tier descriptions reflect this.
In order to try and keep everyone happy, I am going to be producing and releasing map content in addition to the general amount of token content I am producing each month.
This does mean, though, that map content will no longer be included with the World Builder tier as originally intended. Read more further down.

Game Content - My home games have been providing me with many outlets for creative content revolving around the Techlanders universe and so I'm going to start developing what I can into usable material. As I do, it will be released to patrons for use and hopefully feedback. It may go on to be used for future projects. This will be available to all World Builder Patrons and, most likely, a number of lower tiers as well.

New Patron Tiers - As the maps and assets begin to be produced in tandem with the Tokens (which take not-inconsiderable time to create) I will redesig some of the Tiers. Firstly, a new tier will be introduced at $1 to try to give the Patreon a general boost from those who are able to just give a little something to aid the project. This will give them access to patron only content such as patron goal releases. There will be a new Map tier that will give access to the map content, alone. Finally a tier for those that want "the Lot" - all map content and all World Builder level content.

I don't know exactly when all of these changes will be in effect as I would like to get feedback from all Patrons that may have concerns or feedback. I hope you'll leave a comment and/or message me directly, I'll answer any and all questions in the comments.
Hopefully some of the TL coolness can be shown around online and help spread the word. Any little Facebook referrals or Reddit mentions make a huge difference all together. As more Patrons join, Techlanders will become easier for me to produce and could rocket the scope of the project into new areas like print releases and module material. I have a truly baffling number of things I could produce with enough support, from portrait packs to novellas to livestream games, so I hope we can make them happen. Also let me know what crazy things YOU might like to see happen.

Thank you all again for your ongoing support. 

Extra - There is just a 1980px wide generic battlemap page from my sketchbook above, with a large print version attached. I'm just attaching it in case it's useful. I may extract and color tile sections at a later time. Enjoy!



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