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More general populace, going about their day. Mostly merchants expected to be standing at tables and benches. These have been designed to fill some of the classic roles adventurers may come across such as the mechanic, aristocracy, and, let's face it, there's always a barkeeper.

So there's a lot going on with this. The reason these are all being released at once is because the modular files are fully interchangeable between heads and bodies that have been positioned to line up correctly.
I'd love all feedback. Thank you all for a wonderful month.




No idea about others people (to each his own) but for me tokens are meant to be mobile, not to be a fixed asset, glued to the map. Each pose of every possible token might look out of place given wrong circumstances, including let's say a fighter with weapons blazing, while he really is a guard standing in place, so those reaching hands are not something I would consider a problem. A pose as good as any... Another thing is that maps come in various shapes and sizes. Even if those tokens were used purely as stationary merchants, finding a map that would actually have it's furniture aligned exactly the way that token, when snapped to grid, ends up with the line in the same place as table border is near impossible. And we're talking here VTT software alignment, where tokens are supposed to stay inside their square on a grid to properly count distance, interaction, etc. Than again if someone wanted fixed token as part of a map file, aligning it by eye is no problem at all anyway. So while not a dealbreaker obiously (I mean, I can remove those lines myself easily) I'm just pointing out that something like that doesn't necessarily make much sense from the perspective of a VTT user :)


Honestly, my tokens don't do all that well in the standard VTT snapping in any case, as far as I've found. The lines were just to help people speed up their placement a bit but I was aware that it was a choice to make even as I was doing it, as you'll see with the white outlines. These were made with the idea of a long street market where many tables have many vendors selling many different things, so I wanted placement to be clear and simple (especially for new game masters). The other, more neutral, poses should be able to cover most other people just standing around and this is in no way intended to be the last set of civies. Thanks for the feedback though, I've taken it onboard and probably won't include those lines in future releases.

Mark Pearce

world builder version is locked (to "the lot" tier)