Slovakia Videos (Patreon)
Greetings everyone! As part of a contract I was paid to complete, I will be publishing a series of videos discussing various aspects of Slovakia’s geology this week! Since my contract involves me creating between 3 and 7 videos, this project may expand or narrow in scope depending on how my work progresses.
All of these videos specifically sponsored by: the European Union and NS Kožare who are paying me to make videos on the geologic features within the nation of Slovakia.
Thus, for much or all of this week (Monday-Friday, August 14-August 18, 2023) you can expect videos on an ancient supervolcano in Slovakia (which is extinct), how Slovakia’s extinct Slanske Hills volcanic chain came to be, comparison’s of Slovakia’s Miocene volcanoes to more modern volcanoes elsewhere on the planet, and potentially other geologic topics.
Any questions?