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It's amazing, this picture was meant to be a continuation of the series about the maid husband and his promiscuous wife, but at some point, it got this kind of fairy tale theme:)

There's always room to grow, but so far I like it.

Do you have any naughty thoughts about fairy tales?

Удивительное дело, эта картинка задумывалась, как продолжение серии про мужа-горничную и его распутную жену, но в какой-то момент свернула на вот такую сказочную тематику:)

Всегда есть, куда расти, но пока что мне нравится.

А у вас есть шаловливые мысли насчёт сказок?




"there's always room to grow"...except in his chastity cage.


Cinderella stepped up to him. The Prince got down on one knee and tried the chastity cage on her micro-penis. It fit perfectly! Then, from her pocket Cinderella took out something. It was the corresponding butt plug! “I knew it!” he cried. “You are the one!”