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A new page is ready =) Thanks to all of you guys =)

Enjoy in high ress http://sta.sh/0rgr1fjcb33




This is a great page! Though I have this strange feeling in my gut that's telling me Wart cheated in that game of Poker. And the time before too..


Hehe... If he did... then Daisy is going to be veeeery angry when she finds out...


@Furboz Hehe...Can you actually make that part of the plot? It would be very humorous to see.


Don't worry =) I already have something very special Planned =)


@Furboz Really? I can't wait to see it! Though I still would love to see that Wart cheating plot as a slightly alternate plot. Mario and Luigi would meet this Shy Guy who works for Wart and basically is going behind Wart's back and show the bros a tape of the Poker game between Wart and Daisy where he cheats. Just something to consider.


Hehe =) That would be nice... but they will discover the cheat in some other way... Still I like your idea.. I'll maybe use it for something else on another story As for the script goes they will face Wart again on page 48


@Furboz Thanks for the heads up! Looking forward to that now. My idea was about a parody of "All the President's Men" just so you know. I thought it would of been funny to have that shown in your comic. But you already had this planned already.


Peach is gonna be super angry with them.


In fact the whole script is ready... The comic will have 50 pages and we are about to enter the third act