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  • ChristmasWithLuluLQ.mp4
  • ChristmasWithLuluPatreonShare.mp4



"Receiving a skittish invite from the redhead, you make your way to her dorm. She greets with you rather forward attire, and insists on YOU not being shy--- Is she trying to make a move this holiday season?"

And here's the animation! The files sizes are a bit big, so I had to share them to Google Drive, in which the link will be posted below. If there are any issues, please reach out!

This animation stems from a part of me that feels sentiment around the holiday season, and being someone that enjoys romance and intimacy, I figured this would be a great way to show. I also felt the need for a more modest "mini-gts" scenario, so I think it worked in my favor. I had plans to make this even longer, but due to some offline predicaments, I settled with the basis. Regardless, I'm satisfied, and I hope you will be as well. :)

Enjoy your romantic Christmas with "me", and while I may be early, I wish you all a lovely and fantastic Christmas~ (Don't worry, I plan on having more things posted soon. :'D)

Much love, and enjoy!


There is a full quality, low quality, and no sound version available in the Google Drive link.

The Lowest quality version and a mid quality version is available for download here, if you wish to not download from the drive. Best suited for mobile devices.

Please message me with any questions or concerns.



R. Joss

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas Honolulu! 🥰


Merry Christmas!


Another lovely work, Lulu!


Absolutely fucking adorable. Fantastic work my friend. Merry Christmas as well.


Love the animation, situation, sound, and Lulu of course. If you'll allow me to nitpick for a bit I would say 2 things. I think a stroke or drop shadow would be nice on the text to make it easier to read. I love the outfit, but the eyes on the model don't really look right. I think I only care because the eyes on the regular Honolulu model look perfect. You still did a great job on this, and I won't really mind if you use this model again.


Merry Christmas Lulu~