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"Quick" fanart of Tifa, I think it took me around 4 hours to do this.

Wall of text incoming, I'm sorry!

This is a self impossed exercise I want to do more often, do quick fanarts just to prove myself that I don't need to spend 16 hours or more on each artwork.

Thing is that with today's social networks you need to mass produce and it's always all about numbers, numbers and big numbers. That's why in the past years I've been putting tons of efforts on all of my artpieces (which is not bad per se) to have always something great to show. But that's exhausting and I've forgotten why I started drawing in the first place. 

To express myself and have fun.

That's why I want to do more of this and more often. An excercise to show me that I can do something that looks nice and doesn't need to be 8k with 54 layers. I don't need to be always a perfeccionist. This will also allow me to try new coloring techniques and different ways of doing something.



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