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(Thumbnail Credits: @SourBoozeNsfw @ParallelRey @NotMahmaPuu @NSFKHU @Khatnid @Cluewoof @Bulumblebee @Ore_Gin)

For the past months, I've been trying to save up money to commission people to help me with Nude Byte, but unfortunately, I'm having a really hard time doing it.

You might be wondering, why do I need to commission people when I can do them myself?
The short answer is: More content!
The long answer is: While I focus on coding, making card artworks, more coding, 3D level designing, and even more coding, etc., I can ask other people to make extra assets for me, such as ads posters, more hair-styles, NPC dialogs, etc.
This way, we will have more stuff to see when the game is done!

Here's what I propose:

I'll commission artists, and when they're done, I'll share their works with my patrons!
What will be the content of the artworks? Definitely not fanarts, sadly. But there will always be boobs!
Distribution will be the same as my artworks: Lower tier gets dressed and nude artworks in full size, while the higher tier gets the large breasts versions as well!

The monthly prices will increase by one USD. (Tier $1 will become $2, and Tier $3 will become $4.)

Of course, I will still make fanart artworks (with suggestion posts) every month, so it's still the same! But with more artworks from other artists!

However, I'll be honest: I can't guarantee the quality of the commissions.
I aim to ask artists who aren't popular or are still budding so they can get a bit of help and views. (Popular artists can be nice though! But I doubt they have the time.)

This is up to you!

In the end, it's just a proposal. The decision is up to my Patrons!
Are you okay with increasing the price for extra artworks?
Or do you think everything is already okay, there's no need to change it?

Give your vote below! (Until March 31)

(Disclaimer: If the majority agrees, this won't happen the next payment yet. Probably by May.)



I do have to agree with a previous comment, while I do like the concept of supporting other artist, we all have subbed to *you*, not theirs. Maybe add additional tiers so it could be its own "game" with a new building that shows their content as something to see if we would like to see it in the "default" game?


I'd agree with a lot of the sentiment in the comments. Is it a bad thing? no, is it something that you should do? IDK. You are the primary artist, and you'll still be doing the artistry of what I'd consider the main focal point. So to hire an artist to not work one the art of the game seems a bit counter-intuitive.

HaoTian Li

I will pay for game , no for artworks , I like you Art , not other guy , if money for make game more good , 10$ one month or more is ok , but other guys art? no thanks. but rising payment I still support , you should get more