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Passcode $1 Tier: (Nudity)

Passcode $3 Tier: (Large-Breasts)

Nude Byte: Random Run is a lite-version of the game that focuses on playing and collecting cards!

Several features have been removed in Random Run, including the Glitch City, customizable characters, bits/money, and many others.


4 Special Enemies to Defeat

The four Gigabytes that will challenge you as you try to reach your goal. These Gigabytes are: Impersonator, Basher, Keyboard Warrior, and Spammer.

So Many Cards to Collect and Use

All four versions of each Card Art has their own upgrades/advantages. This also means they have to be collected individually now.

Revised Abilities

Kitty: Dash
Bunny: Wall-Jump
Puppy: Roll (and Push)
Mouse: Teleport

All these can be used to your advantage in the game!

Updated Weapons

Hold down the fire button to charge a Range weapon, and release to shoot!
Press mash the fire button to fire a Spread weapon quickly!
Different types of weapons are now available for you to use!

Not only that, Secondary weapon is now available with a new type: Wave!
Spread fire in front of you, release a large energy ball to defeat enemies, push your opponents away to stop them, and a few more!

Updated Upgrades

Cards can give upgrades to the player now! Byte Hunter, Guardian, Bit Magnet, AI Resistance, and many others!

And Many More

6th Map, Gun models with updated animations, Reworked body models, Updated visuals, Weapon balance, etc.

Random Run is a version we can play while we all wait for the return of the other features!

Have fun!
And if you find any glitches, please let me know through the comments below!
(I'm sure there's a lot of it. I just can't find them all)

UPDATE: (October 7, 2022)

Patch 1 (Version 5.1.1) is now available in Itch.io 


Game Battle

  • The speed of accessing the Firewall is now faster but gets slower as the Difficulty increases.
  • The quota for the Balls of Data is now randomized between 2-5.
  • Spammers now delay their explosions when the wrong bomb is hit, giving the player the chance to escape.
  • Spammers and their bombs have updated hitboxes, making the real bomb even larger.
  • Keyboard Warriors now release their diamonds closer to each other, depending on the Difficulty.
  • Upgrade cards now stay in the area when their  owners are defeated. They become available for others to pick up and  use. On the other hand, Weapon cards now disappear.
  • Updated the Teleport Ability, making it easier to aim and teleport on the ground.
  • Updated the Roll Ability, removing the pause after firing a weapon during a roll.
  • Updated the Rock Solid upgrade to also give the ability to push regular Bytes.
  • The effectiveness of some of the stats has been updated.
  • The pointer guide for the Escape Pod is now colored to easily differentiate itself from the pointer guide for the Firewall/Goal.
  • Instructions shown above have been updated, showing the aim of the game even when the Escape Pod is available.
  • Icons of the Upgrade Cards have been changed to their upgrade icons instead of the characters.
  • Fixed the icon for the Weapon Cards to show the correct image.
  • Added light glows to show certain goals and make their direction visible off-screen.
  • The stats shown on the lower right has been adjusted and fixed.
  • Several visuals have been updated.

Random Run Menu

  • Zooming out now lets you select cards.
  • Several minor updates to the guide.


Nude Byte: Random Run (Version 5)

A lite version of Nude Byte is now available for Windows! Random Run focuses on playing and collecting cards. The game can be found on Itch.io Music: https://airyluvs.com


David Silverburgh

Weird, my lappy doesn't want to run it. No safe apparently.


i've very much been loving Random Run so far during my first attempt for a 10 minute run i got my ass absolutely handed to me by the new Giga Bytes thankfully the Dog (Doll 3) survived with very low health and cleared it


Also, I keep seeing the bits fall thru the "glass", not sure if it's intentional

Crane's Shadow

Question regarding new weapon unlocks. When do you get weapons that you have't unlocked yet? You get access to a random 4 weapons at the end of each run? Also, how exactly does the arena update system work? It says 3 plays and counts down, so I assume it takes the average of your 3 plays to figure out if you need to up difficulty?


you properly already figured it out but evry 3 plays the map and weapons rotate and if you use a weapon for 3 minutes when playing the character (not counting when AI is in control) you get to keep it

Crane's Shadow

Ah, that makes sense. A heck of a lot easier to observe events when you expect them.


That's unfortunate. It's getting common nowadays for virus-scanners to false-flag softwares, my games included. It's safe to ignore and play the game, but that's up to you.


I haven't tried playing risky when battling, I'm surprised you managed to go as far as 10 minutes!


As mentioned by Sinoj961, the map and weapons change every 3 plays.


so far i've only really happend upon 2 bugs 1. it seems while using the busty code it causes the non busty weapon icon in the upper right to take the apperance of the busty version of the icon instead. (however the weapon card on the Doll's back is the apperance of the non busty version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLjK--U7kX4 ) 2. Spammer explosion caused me to clip through the floor once and so far have not seen it happen again and dont got a video of this happening. (im just assuming it was the Spammer since it was right after the bomb detonated that i clipped through the floor)

David Silverburgh

Thanks for responding. I managed to get it to play. If we had some design questions or wanted to voice a informal review, could we do that here? Sorry if this seems like a silly question.


Thank you very much for finding these glitches! (And to take the time to make a video too) I'll work on these for the next patch.


It's intentional. Though, I forgot to mention these little details in the Guide. I'll see what I can do.


no problem glad to be of use! i think i've found a third bug this one for the Impersonator it seems she doesent like this small hallway/corridor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR6Ma0vLCVE (had to score the ball so i could show more of the bug was running out of time ^^') edit: found this happening in a similar corridor in map:12345678 seems like this happens when the Impersonator goes up/down slopes in small corridors


Thank you for finding this too. It has been a glitch since version 5 was in development, but I forgot to fix it.


glad to be of help! by the way i got a question about the Push Wave secoundary is it supposed to be able to push the Impersonator? just wondering since the knockback only works on her when she's not stunned and dosent work on other giga bytes like the Basher


Heyo, I've been going kinda ham on the new update. I'm not the best at finding bugs in others' code, but I hope my feedback still proves valuable. The good: - Being able to jump during Kitty's dash and preserve the momentum is fun as hell. - I like how there are hints to find anything you're looking for in the middle of a fight, whether it's a Keyboard Warrior's diamonds or the Impersonator's smaller half. - I like how I know exactly what Gigabyte is spawning based on sound cues. - Being able to unlock busty upgrades 4 times faster by equipping the normal one on all four dolls is a clever trade off. - The pause when switching characters is a good help to collect my thoughts and digest information. Glitches/Oversights: - When fighting multiple spammers, one spammers's "blinking" hitboxes often overlap with the other's "fake" hitboxes. It could be a good means of adding difficulty, but it's also frustrating that when their true body pops out of the ground you still have to avoid hitting the other fakes. - Equipping the "rock solid" upgrade doesn't seem to be effective... it's understandable against Bashers, but I don't know what other enemy pushes the player. - Two UI indicators can appear on the player character with one pointing to the goal and another pointing to the escape platform. It's not quite a glitch, but it's confusing which is which. - The "All basic upgrades unlocked" message and "All nude upgrades unlocked" messages display after *every* play. I'm guessing it was meant to display only once? Other Issues/Suggestions: - The dolls' abilities could stand to be consistent with each other; at first I thought some of these were glitches but I just hadn't read things fully at first. - Bunny's wall-jump: It feels weird that Kitty is able to Dash on any surface, but Bunny can wall-jump from the floor only when it's her color. I'd suggest making it similar to Kitty's dash, where it doesn't consume energy if done from her color. - Puppy's roll: The temporarily-disabled movement at the end of Puppy's roll doesn't seem to have much benefit. Pushing non-gigabytes is alright, but I find it's usually faster to gun them down and keep moving. - Mouse's teleport: This feels like it should be usable in mid-air. - The sound cue for energy regeneration seems either very subdued or outright silent compared to the last version. - Navigating the unlocked cards is a little annoying since I either need to know exactly where the character is or sift through a bunch of others. Being able to sort or search these would help, but I'm not sure what's planned for the full game's UI. Personal Opinions: - The Ball hunter and Goal hunter AI upgrades are surprisingly reliable, but it feels like a shame that you can't use other abilities with them. The AI that the dolls default to seems like something that should be a part of customization when it comes up, or maybe even toggled in that pause when switching.


I've been enjoying this lite version and I have some feedback I want to give. Bugs: The only bug I have encountered is the one below but so far have not encountered any. -AI allies sometimes have difficulty hitting a stunned Spammer. The most obvious time this occurred was when a teammate was using the Gatling weapon and missing the stunned Spammer at pointblank range. Not sure how well this can be replicated.... Gameplay Suggestions: -It is tedious to find weapon/upgrade cards to use. I would recommend implementing a filter so users can find cards of a certain upgrade or weapon type. Also, when you zoom out to look at your entire library of cards, I would like to click on any location and zoom in there instead of re-magnifying and digging clicking around to find what I'm looking for. I'm not sure if this format for cards will be in the base game, but with how many cards we have so far, having this quality-of-life mechanic would be much appreciated -While I like the cards that modify AI behavior, I feel that the base AI that teammates have lack self-preservation. I'm not asking for teammates to just gun everything in sight, but rather retaliate against enemies that hurt them. On some maps, such as ones that have a lot of verticality, the AI teammates try to keep up but get moshed by enemies without fighting back. -I feel the supports for the Keyboard Warrior enemies are too far apart. Sometimes it feels like I have to go to opposite ends of the map to destroy just one support. Maybe if the supports have a slightly smaller maximum limit to how far they can spread out would help. -The wall jump ability feels extremely situational and awkward. I thought that this ability would help on maps with a lot of verticality but I noticed there is a maximum height you can climb with wall jumping. I also notice this ability can only be used on your colored ground, adding to the awkwardness. I think infinite climbing greatly enhance this ability, otherwise just make it a super jump ability. -Spammers tend to stack on top of each other, making it incredibly hard to handle. As one Spammer's weak point is shown, it is sometimes inside of another Spammer's non-weak point. Maybe have a limit to how many can spawn at a time or adjust the hitboxes of the weak points.


It's not meant to push any Gigabytes. Thank you for finding this!


Thank you very much for the feedback! I'll do my best to make adjustments, but sadly, not all issues you found will be changed, especially the abilities.


Thank you very much for the feedback! I'll make minor adjustments regarding some of the suggestions you made, but please take note that not all will have changes.


realized i forgot to post gameplay of the bug sorry Manyakis ^^' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL1Wfrw-5Nw


Alright so put quite alot of time into the Lite version of Nude Byte managed to reach a score of 16 (sadly been unable to push past it and reach 20 like i wanted) aswell as unlocking evry single upgrade card and missing some of the weapon cards since they refuse to pop up haha. Unlocking the last 4 busty cards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6JRCSEUQH8 Here's a couple of bugs i found recently. -If you hug a wall and look into it and throw a Bomb Sub it will go through it -Sometimes whilst unlocking the busty cards they will unlock after 7 uses instead of 8 (i have no idea what causes this to happen you see it happen in the video where i unlocked the last 4 busty cards which i thankfully managed to finnaly catch) -Upon using multiples of a single weapon card the secounds is multiplied for example using 4 copies of a single card for 1 minute counts as 4 minutes or using 2 copies of a single card for 1 minute counts as 2 minutes even though the weapon card use should not count for AI's For gameplay suggestions i dont have to many though the Bunny's wall jump could mabye be buffed a bit for more height? but thats just me and the Difficulty does go a bit complete haywire at Difficulty 50+ completly wrecking your AI teammates but for a crazy person like me i like it since it usualy ends up with me thinking to myself. 'It was at this is the moment that he knew... he fucked up'' as i started panicking here's a example from a attempt to try and reach 16+ that failed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZDh-J5nsNw Well so far i've very much enjoyed Nude Byte: Random Run and very much looking forward to future patches and the return of Glitch City!


No sweat. It's rough as a solo dev, so take time to prioritize whatever you need.


Thank you for finding more glitches, and for giving your best to try and get even farther in the game. Unfortunately, 5.1.1 (Patch 1) has already been made and published. I'll make the changes for the ones you found for the next version instead.


Version 5.1.1 (Patch 1) is now available, fixing and updating several issues.


Found a couple of more bugs -The Adult Sucy Basic card (both weapon and upgrade variants) are using the Busty card art (as far as i've seen this has not happend with any other card) -The tiny weapon icons on the left next to the healthbar of all the dolls are using the Busty version of the weapon cards rather then the Basic version (picked Marceline due to being the easyest to notice) https://imgur.com/OCKySOf - Keyboard Warrior spawned inside of a pillar on the map 'Untitled Map' her crystals spawned normaly around the map like they should (only had this happen once so far and sadly when i realized she was in the wall the ai already destroyed the crystals before i could record it but she spawned in here) https://imgur.com/aXsR7wh -Not exactly a bug and you properly already noticed it but map icons might have to be updated since you've swapped the rectangles outside of the map https://imgur.com/XblMqLy -If you wield a weapon card but fail to unlock it permantly it will count as obtained even though you technically still dont have it (i have used the Parasoul card but failed the 3 min requirement due to me accidently screwing up when the card was in rotation.) pic 1 https://imgur.com/qGD4a7h pic 2 https://imgur.com/rm6VqgV (Also like with the all upgrade card obtained pop up that happend after evry run last patch the same is happening with the weapon cards atleast with the Non-Busty variants and i assume the same with the Busty variants havent been able to try since Parasoul refuses to show up again in rotation been refreshing the map for hours now with no success.) So far that's all i've noticed i've really been likeing the changes you've done this patch with the quicker card swap and been enjoying the quality of life changes aswell especcialy with the Spammer now when you have 4 of them chasing after you now you have a bit of a bigger chance to avoid seeing the dolls hp bars be deleted~~ Keep up the great work Manyakis and i look forward to future patches!


Thank you again for finding more glitches! (Sadly, I'm aware of the Keyboard Warrior glitch. But I'm having a hard time fixing it. This also happens to the regular Bytes on rare occasions. Hopefully I can find a solution.)

David Silverburgh

Just wanted to share some thoughts on the latest version of Random Run. Stuff I am having a blast with: Great job on making the game balance even better than before, I have been aiming for doing a consistent 10 data spheres every round I hit the map. I have found that the base gameplay loop is really fun and I feel encouraged to keep going further and further. I think what brings it all together is when the stage is getting really crowded and I feel like I need to keep my head on a swivel to survive. Mixing and matching weapons and upgrades has been really fun, I enjoy the feeling of what put together makes a run tough or manageable. Take it or leave it, it's your show: I don't know if you have ruled it out or not but I was wondering if you have or are considering adding a traditional "Gallery Mode" like from Nicole's Risky Job for the 3d models for those of us like myself that would like to appreciate your work without needing to worry about how close some bits are getting. Things I am struggling with: Nothing really, I see that others have found glitches and surprisingly I have not run into any. I do agree that the spammers overlaying on each other is annoying, but it has not been a game breaker bug for me. It's more like an extra money opportunity for me. Looking forward to the next update. Sorry if this was mostly just about nebulous "Game Feel" but I wouldn't know anything about actual design. Keep up the good work, and don't give up.


Thank you for the feedback! The Gallery has always been planned, but it can only be implemented when the Glitch City is back once again. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the game so far


Just a question will you add more sexual acts In game there are only 2 unless if I haven’t seen something which are interacting with the fire wall and getting grabbed by the impersonator overall amazing game I’m now addicted to it thanks


Sadly, there's very little sexual acts in the game so far. I'm aiming to add more, but there are many other priorities I have to work on first.


Ok I was just wondering thank you for the response so far the game is amazing