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Let me be straight, I don't know who these characters are. So it's better to ask the fans!

The two chosen characters are Charlie and Rebecca, but which designs do we like better?

Give your vote!
(I'm sorry the poll is only one day this time. I'm getting late with my deadline)

(Reposted because of a previous error)



Tbh I don’t know who they are either 😹


First one on the left is Charlie from a youtube series "Hazben Hotel" its still in the makings and the character design has changed hence the question of old or new. The other on the right is Rebecca from the Cyberpunk 2077 animated series "Cyberpunk 2077: Edgerunner" thats on Netflix. Its a good watch only 10 episodes would recommend.


Ah alright. Haven’t gotten a chance to watch either but I was gonna start in on cyberpunk once I finished up something else


I liked the original Charlie over the remake. No idea why they even decided a new look was necessary.