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Nude Byte 4.0 Post (w/ Trailer):

Passcode $1 Tier: (Nudity)

Passcode $3 Tier: (Large-Breasts)

Information about the game:


What's Added

Gamejolt Highscore
Players can now submit their scores of their job result! Or not? You can turn it off anyway!

4 New Cards
More cards to collect and buy! Available in both Weapon and Upgrade versions.

1 Additional Advertisement Poster
An extra picture because why not.

What's Fixed

  • In Glitch City, there are rare instances where the built map has doorways blocked by other buildings. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting multiple Bytes with a bomb gives the wrong amount of bits.
  • Weapon cards that are viewed in Customize now show the correct description.
  • Fixed a bug where dead shooters can still access Firewalls.
  • Using more than 2 Upgrade Cards in battle now shows the correct amount of upgrades.

What's Changed

  • Shooters are now unaffected by Timestop Bombs.
  • Added visual and sound cues when your shooter can throw a bomb.
  • Added Bits in the game screen.
  • Some Weapon Cards have been heavily adjusted.
  • There are now tooltips in the UI of Glitch City.
  • Adjusted Energy consumption when firing multiple weapons.
  • Many other minor adjustments.

Happy Holidays everyone!
Thank you again for your support!




- I just found that when a shooter is defeated, not only can another one pick up all of their cards, but they all stack. It's yet another feature that made me say "That is really fucking cool.", but it lead me to realize two things: - A: This is a great excuse to watch my characters get fucked. - B: The game is actually so easy that if I want to INTENTIONALLY want to have all but one of my shooters die, it takes so long to do so that I often run out of time in the level before it happens. Sure, I don't exactly get a high score, but I miss out on the chaotic fun of firing four weapons at once and having practically endless energy. I suppose this is intentional design and probably won't get changed, but again, firing all four weapons at once is pretty dang fun. - If you stack enough energy-boosting upgrades on Mouse (including those of fallen shooters), with a weapon that has energy extension as a subweapon, you can extend time slow for so long that it lasts even after the "Success" screen. - I appreciate the fact that the weapons get distributed to shooters in a consistent way now.


It's kinda crazy that I'm seeing this after discovering just this last night, it's freaking awesome if you go 190% attack on nearly all four chars, nevermind the INSANE speed you can move at if playing as kitty holding all cards (PS letting titty witch nipple spam you is a pretty quick way of killing a char)


Heads up: GameJolt just deleted all Adult Content. Like they just straight up pulled a Tumblr. itch.io still seems ok with hosting adult content though.


How do I go about the upgrade? Does my progress and creation just follow me when I login or do I need to move files around?