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Download the updated game here

Passcode $1 Tier: (Nudity)

Passcode $3 Tier: (Large-Breasts)

Information about the game:


Glitch City:
A new place to explore and share online. Buy parts to customize your characters, check other players' designs, draw your own mask, and more!

Gameplay Improvements:
A new special enemy to battle, new secondary actions to use such as bombs and charges, new cards to upgrade and fight with, and more!


  • Level progress and cards obtained from 3.0 won't transfer to 4.0.
    (Character Designs are not affected and will mostly transfer)
  • The level for all maps is now limited to 30.

Thank you everyone for your patience and support!
If you find any bugs, feel free to share them in the comments section!


Nude Byte (Version 4)

Play the game here: manyakisgames.gamejolt.io/nudebyte Music: https://youtu.be/myB-LYvE7Ro https://airyluvs.com



Super awesome to see the update, can’t wait to get into it


This update is HUGE


Going to love this update


will i retain previous progress/bits when i download new update?


Only played through the tutorial so far but im absolutely loving how much work you've put into the city, the UI, the art, and the unlockables! I can't wait to play more tomorrow! ^^




Already maxed out all the maps, time to wait for new cards & shops to spawn haha. Gameplay is sick, and the soundtrack is awesome too! Is it available anywhere?


I dont know if this is intentional, but I really think you need to revamp the secondary shot being mapped to stopping firewall interaction. It just means that I never use my secondaries, because I want to be using the firewall every possible second.


There is something I need to know. When did you buy cards, is there a way to upgrade with them? Or is it to have several daughters with the same power? Will there be a threshold for limited card purchases? (8 if it is for the number of girls or more if it is to upgrade them.) Personally I already buy 10 card for try if it's for make upgrade xD


Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the game. The several music used are from a library that's royalty-free from a composer (or team?) named ISAo. This is a preview track they published: https://youtu.be/myB-LYvE7Ro


Sadly, this is something I wasn't able to explain clearly in the game. (I have to update the game with this in mind) There are two types of cards: Upgrade cards, and Weapon cards. While they both share the same artworks, they function differently, and can be obtained differently. (Example, a Tifa Upgrade Card can be bought from the shop, while a Tifa Weapon Card only appear from hourly changed cards, and will be unlocked when used for 3 minutes.) The shop only sell Upgrade cards, not Weapon cards. And it changes its items for sale every day. The changes are by random. (Some days may not sell cards, or maybe there are some days where it will sell a lot of it. It's hard to tell.) You can buy as many Upgrade Cards as you like, but you can only equip two cards per shooter. Weapon cards can't be equipped. And they're only available from the hourly weapon cards provided. (The ones that you can see above the Glitch City)


Ah awesome, thanks for the information! I'm looking forward to whatever you've got planned next!


Loving the game so far. Will there be later updates where we can interact with the other shooters in Glitch city? Also, will the interactions be the same as Hot Glue or something different?


xD Now it's invert. I have parasoul in my upgrade but unreveale in hub.


Praise: - Thank you for disabling the text effects in the opening text boxes and making the health bar UI cleaner, the information's a lot more readable now. - The practice area is marvelous and is great for testing out stuff, I especially like the various enemy statues for guaging damage. - Something that got me to say "that is legitimately fucking cool" was the fact that you can drop off of the map and use that to land anywhere you want on the map. I'm not sure if that was present since 3.0, but it's a cool feature. - Glitch City is pretty cool; it definitely lands the city vibe with its sky scrapers and the looping mechanic. I see great potential with the poses and camera system if some of those are used in place of the fake ads! Bugs (Things that seem unintended): - Whenever I have a shooter accessing a firewall, switching to another shooter and right-clicking causes the first shooter to stop. Please allow rebinding the keys, it's hard to make frequent use of subweapons otherwise. Feature Requests: - Could you add a way to make the shop refresh other than waiting 24 hours? I've managed to get to Lv. 30 on all 5 maps and I have more money than I can spend at the moment. - Speaking of poses, the XL Breasts (with the patreon code applied) clip into many of the default poses, to the point where I think there's only four poses where they don't. I'm not sure if poses for XL breasts can be obtained from the shop, but could you please add some more XL defaults or fix up the existing ones? - If a manual shop refresh is not viable, could you instead add more shops that sell items by category? One shop for clothes, one shop for body mods, another for upgrades, etc. - The time it takes for a character to fall back onto a map after falling off seems disproportionately long compared to the time they spend falling at the start. I know it's probably supposed to be punishing, but for such a cool feature, it feels like it should be more integrated into the gameplay or replaced with an actual jump. Nitpicks (Things that annoy me, but likely not others): - Instead of fast-traveling to a building in Glitch City, I think the pause menu should bring the player inside the building, similar to what Splatoon does. However, I think the fast travel feature would still have some use in letting you move to your shooters quickly. - Could you speed up the end screen for a given mission where it displays bits collected, firewalls accessed, etc? I have the impatient urge to mash through it even though nothing happens.


so far been having a blast with the game allthough for whatever reason my pc refuses to load animations correctly in the customize building and glitch city allthough works perfectly fine when playing the maps not exactly sure why this is happening though...


played for a bit, and all i wanna know is how many more customization options i have left to unlock. ya did it for the cards, do it for the items too man. that said, great game, love the map designs they're awesome, randomized weapons is a wee bit annoying, but either way i had fun. can't wait for next update with more customization options (i hope) and cards.


A small feature request, but is it possible to add the option to turn off the head-bobbing you have when moving in the city? I've ended up feeling disoriented with a headache every time I try walking around there.


Great Stuff, was able to get to lvl 30 on all 5 maps, now I just need to wait for midnight so I can buy more stuff o(>w<)o Is it my local midnight or a certain timezone? Didn't notice any problems while being Online Did notice while using a controller that trying to look at/assign cards seems to be impossible, but I still had access to my mouse so it isn't too big a deal. The random weapons can be a bit annoying, but I was able to make due with each run.


Small issue, using alt fire with any of my girls makes whoever's on the firewall get off (and not in the useful way).


I've been having a blast with this game. The shop restocking in 24 hours and the hourly weapon card change really make it nice to come back every now and then to see what's new and what I can buy. It really makes me super excited to see what comes next, and I hope this project continues for a while! All the art is incredible. It's super fun to look through all the card art and versions of the NPCs when using passcodes. Every character looks amazing and the NPCs ooze with new personality, even if their original NPC looks are based on copyrighted characters. The character customization has exploded in the latest release. I felt like your 4 girls in previous builds looked pretty bland, however you can really do so much with them in 4.0 by giving them some custom eyes and checking out the new outfits! I had to have all my girls in suits because, lets be real: Everyone looks sexy in a suit! The gameplay is pretty much the same, however the new witch enemy has really added a twist when it comes to playing around their attacks. So many times have they bulldozed my girls off the point and I had to regroup to take the point again, now focusing on the witches to get them out of my way. I wonder what other ideas you might have for new enemies in the future. I think the only thing I could suggest would be some extra game modes. More hoard battle and point capturing modes could be super cool, as well as some higher difficulty modes. I could definitely see a hard mode where you can only control one girl but with high rewards being very fun to attempt.


It's meant to be local midnight. Thank you for reporting regarding the glitch with the cards. This has been fixed in Patch 4.1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/59332340


The head-bobbing has been removed in version 4.1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/59332340


Thank you for your input! Sadly, many of the requests and nitpicks you mentioned can't be applied for technical reasons. But I'll take note of them. The unintended cancelling of firewall access has been fixed in version 4.1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/59332340


Thank you for reporting! This has been fixed in version 4.1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/59332340


This has been fixed (hopefully) in version 4.1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/59332340