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I really did my best and dedicated this month into polishing Nude Byte for a playable release. Unfortunately, it still wasn't enough.
I'm sorry, but there won't be a playable release this month again.
I'll do my best to release one next month, but honestly, I don't think I'm confident enough to promise. (But of course, I'm confident to say that the development is progressing)

And it's why we have fanart cards: so we have something to have while we wait!




Dont worry we dont mind


https://drive.google.com/file/d/16dicYursnyeSZyv2hqDGaliGJ32hBaZP/view My apologies for looking suspicious, but I can't think of a better way to present this.


Wow, that's lovely, thank you! I just realized I haven't drawn her in a Dakimakura.


Thank you for understanding. I didn't realize just how many menus and endless glitches I have to work on to make the game playable.


It is ultimately up to you, but if there is one in the future, let's just say there will be more pillows.


What? You mean you'd rather take time to work out issues and make more viable progress on updates as opposed to rushing out glitchy bug filled "updates"? Unacceptable! Sarcasm of course, love your stuff Aki, hope you're doing well


Take your time man, I'd rather you put your passion and love into it than rush it. I sub'd to Manyakis not EA :P

Elden Ring DLC

You have a good track-record for creating fun games so we're not worried about that. Aside from the fanart cards if you're able to tell us each month what's being worked on, that would be appreciated. :)

Eric Sheldon

Take your time! I love your work, it’s always worth the wait!