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Thank you everyone for the suggestions!

There were a lot, though. And again, it's sad that I can only pick a few.
I made my decisions based on how many people have mentioned a character, how many likes the post got, and my own personal preference.

The choices are:

  • Adult Sucy (Little Witch Academia)
    (I'm a sucker for one-sided hairstyles and chill-looking characters)
  • Adult Rem (Re:Zero)
    (Her lingerie is very fitting for this view)
  • Adult Starfire (Teen Titans)
    (Most popular vote for the past 3 "Suggest a character" posts. It's about time I add her now)
  • Lucoa (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)

If I'll be honest though, I'm not satisfied with Lucoa's pose. (I guess I'm not good with bottom views, even if I try) I wish to change her pose, if people will permit me.

A lot of people also voted for Zelda, but that's Nintendo property and they're, unfortunately, copyright sensitive. So I can't include her. (Or other Pokemon suggestions)

But if it makes Nintendo fans feel any better, I'm making several NPCs that has a theme of "What ifs", and one of them is a goth Misty.


Anyway, look forward to the finished artworks soon!


It's time for another round of "Suggest a character"!



  • Suggest a character for each blank pose shown above!
  • I can only choose one character for each pose.
  • If you can add a link to an image of your suggested character, that'll be great!
  • A character can only be drawn once, so please don't suggest those that were already drawn. (Those little artworks below the blank poses)
  • If you suggested a character in a previous "Suggest a Character" and she wasn't chosen, feel free to suggest her again!
  • Don't hesitate to suggest a character that was already suggested by someone else.
  • The more times a character was suggested, the higher the chance I will choose that character.
  • It may take a week or more to finish these fanarts. This is because I want to wait for late suggestions. (Once I see people stopped suggesting, that's when I start drawing)


  • Preferably female characters from popular shows/games.
  • Furries and monsters are okay.
  • Underage characters will be drawn as an adult.
  • Please try to avoid characters from copyright-sensitive shows/games.
  • Personal OCs are not allowed.


  • These fanarts will be used in the action game "Nude Byte". They will become cards that will function as either upgrades or weapons.
  • Each pose/character will be drawn in four versions: Dressed Regular, Dressed Large-Breasted, Nude Regular, and Nude Large-Breasted.
  • You can find the finished Fanart Cards in the "Fanart" Tag.




Pyra from Xenoblade chronicles 2 in pose B

Cue Blue

Tawna (Crash Bandicoot 4: it's about time) for Pose D


Princess Zelda in pose D possible upskirt


Jessica rabbit in pose 4


A: Amity Blight, B: Amethyst from Steven Universe, C: Wilhamena from OK KO, D: Eda the Owl Lady.


A Luna (Helluva Boss) https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Loona B Satsuki Kiryūin (Kill La Kill) https://kill-la-kill.fandom.com/wiki/Satsuki_Kiry%C5%ABin C Ryuko Matoi (Kill La Kill) https://kill-la- kill.fandom.com/wiki/Ry%C5%ABko_Matoi D Misty (Pokemon) ( Aged up obviously) https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Misty_(anime)


A. Kim Possible B. Shego (Kim Possible) C. Paulina Sanchez (Danny Phantom) D. Sam Manson ( Danny Phantom)


A. Gwen Tennyson

Cruz Vardis

A: Shidare Hotaru, B: Reisalin (Ryza) Stout, C: Yoko Littner, D: Erza Scarlet

Mr Ru

Wakfu's Amalia for D. Though that's mostly because her Season 1-2 outfit is joked to have no underwear, which would make a sfw version hard to do.


B: Shion from Tensura https://tensura.fandom.com/wiki/Shion D: Milim Nava also from Tensura https://tensura.fandom.com/wiki/Milim_Nava


Maybe Starfire for either A or C?


Dark Magician Girl from yugioh


A: Rikku B: Yuna C: Lulu D: Paine


C. Liru from Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan (and that other thing we all probably know her better from...)


For b I'd like shygal I guess


A:dark magician girl from yugioh B:luna from helluva boss C:Gardevoir from pokemon D:shion from tensura


A) Reze [chainsaw man] B) Jinx [teen titans] C) Lulu [ffx] D) Lucoa [dragon maid]


Gardevoir for C


Rias Gremory (Highschool DxD) A Mio Naruse (testament of sister new devil) D Goddess Hestia (Is it wrong to pick up girls in the dungeon) B Rem (rezero) C


Team Go Rocket female grunt for D

ZFG Saint

Half my line-up right here. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!

ZFG Saint

A: Rias Gremory, High School DxD. B: Hekapoo, Star vs. Forces of evil. C: Goddess Hestia, Danmachi. D: Amalia, Wakfu (Season 1 or 2)


B Kindred(lamb) from league C Gardevoir D Shygal


Team RWBY just down the line


A: Y'shtola (FFXIV) B: Harley Quinn C: Holly (Back4Blood) D: Poison Ivy

One Boi

Palutena (Kid Icarus) For A https://kidicarus.fandom.com/wiki/Palutena?file=Uprising_lady_palutena_e3_2011_press_kit.png Midna (Zelda: Twilight Princess) For B https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Midna?file=TPHD_Midna_Artwork.png Rias Gremory (High School DXD) For C https://highschooldxd.fandom.com/wiki/Rias_Gremory?file=Riasg.jpg Amy Rose (Sonic) for D https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Amy_Rose?file=TSR_Amy.png


A: Azula B: Ty Lee C: Katara D: Mai All characters from avatar the last air bender, I think the episode with ember island has bikini outfits if you want to use those.


Midna (Imp) Ryuko Matoi Satsuki Kiryuin Gardevoir


Roll from Megaman (Megaman Legends is best Roll) Ochako Uraraka (My Hero Academia)

Zatarra Manetti

D: Kei - Dirty Pair Flash A: Ranko Saotome - Ranma 1/2


Odalia Blight from The Owl House for either B or C. Ref: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/the-owl-house/images/d/d1/Odalia_Blight_render.png


A Felicia (Darkstalkers) B Sucy Manbavaran C Chel (Road to el dorado) D Clementine (Overlord)


A. Starfire (Teen Titans) B. Jessica Rabbit (Who framed Roger Rabbit) C. Helen Parr ( The Incredibles) D. Hestia (DanMachi)


A: Michiru Kegemori (BNA) https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/brand-new-animal/images/1/1a/Michiru_Kagemori.png/revision/latest?cb=20200728034337 B: Io (Code Vein) https://codevein.fandom.com/wiki/Io C: Felicia (DarkStalkers) https://darkstalkers.fandom.com/wiki/Felicia D: Taokaka (BlazBlue) https://blazblue.wiki/wiki/Taokaka


Pose A: Erufuda (Plus-Sized Elf) Pose B: Ranma Saotome (Ramna 1/2) Pose C: Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in The Shell) Pose D: Chun-Li (Street Fighter)

Stingle Rompust

Haru from beastars for D https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/beastars-eng/images/8/83/Haru_%28Anime%29_S2.png/revision/latest?cb=20210119022718 And kindred (with the spirit blossom skin) from league of legends for B https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/-8ApDysT75FWIHJHFaJXCITUfB4=/1400x1400/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/20103979/SpiritBlossomKindred_FINAL.jpg


A Kagemori Michiru from Brand New Animal B Hestia from Danmachi C Uzaki Tsuki from Uzaki-chan wants to hang out D Sucy Manbavaran from Little Witch Academia


Xayah from League of Legends for A

Power Jusho

A: Futaba Sakura from Persona 5 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/2/25/P5RFutabaSakura.png/revision/latest?cb=20190828143253 B: Rinko Iori from Gundam Build Fighters https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/1/11/Rinko%26China01.png/revision/latest?cb=20131122035647 C: Catherine from Catherine https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/catherinethegame/images/b/b6/Cnightwear.png/revision/latest?cb=20181107095626 D: Meiko Shiraki from Prison School https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/prison-school/images/2/2c/Meiko_anime_design.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150527100926

Eric Sheldon

A: A2 (Darling in the Franxx), B: Rikka Takarada (SSSS Gridman), C: Ryuko Matoi (Kill La Kill), D: Azula (Avatar). For whoever gets put in D, I’d love to have the pose slightly tweaked and maybe the character choice tailored to have it look like the character is stepping on the viewer. We already have an up skirt Parasoul so I think it’d be nice to slightly differentiate the pose and maybe reserve a slot for a “tough/no nonsense” character. Also, since our equipped characters affect our stats, it would be neat for that art/character to maybe correspond to a more aggressive stat-line


Jessica Rabbit for either A or B Gardevoir for either B or A Starfire for C Lucoa for D Those please!


Marceline for A, Katara for B, Starfire for C, Gravity Fall's Wendy for D?


Callie from Splatoon for A, Ursula Callistis from Little Witch Academia for B, Marie from Splatoon for C, and Sucy Manbavaran from Little Witch Academia for D. I don't know if you would consider the squid sisters as being "copyright sensitive" at this point, but giving them the same treatment as "Ramina" for example would probably work as far as I can tell. Either way, feel free to ignore them if they are too risky! I mainly want to see some sexy witches make the list of possible! 😁


A. Elma (dragon maid) Ahri (league of legends) either pose B. or C. https://images.wallpapersden.com/image/download/ahri-4k-league-of-legends-art_bGdnZ2yUmZqaraWkpJRmZmdqrWdpaGs.jpg C. Kirari Momobami (kakegurui) https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=KBIp2cuv&id=31A14857F6A2BAF0CB00A88A9208EDDA0570BA75&thid=OIP.KBIp2cuvHwVgarbEgZkmkgHaKT&mediaurl=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/yuripedia/images/3/3d/5688-163785146.png/revision/latest?cb=20170927221939&cdnurl=https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.281229d9cbaf1f05606ab6c481992692?rik=dbpwBdrtCJKKqA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&exph=874&expw=628&q=kirari+mombami++full+body+&simid=608021641000065642&form=IRPRST&ck=6907B65DF8A902293C8DECE11D6834B8&selectedindex=2&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&vt=4&sim=11&adlt=demote&shtp=GetUrl&shid=0c02dfaf-b54d-4fdb-89c1-e6d4da301b1f&shtk=S2lyYXJpIE1vbW9iYW1pIHwgWXVyaSBXaWtpIHwgRkFORE9NIHBvd2VyZWQgYnkgV2lraWE%3D&shdk=Rm91bmQgb24gQmluZyBmcm9tIHl1cmlwZWRpYS5mYW5kb20uY29t&shhk=JjnCnTXUP13JLtUgVpPuS8Epi%2BQGnQtK6aLz20FprDY%3D&shth=OIP.KBIp2cuvHwVgarbEgZkmkgHaKT D. Faye Valentine (cowboy bebop) https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=RVyPcQSO&id=185EC1A8854DC2B674FCBBA0AB8698A9D13853F8&thid=OIP.RVyPcQSORj_aq3vxmATHJgHaJC&mediaurl=https://onlyhdwallpapers.com/thumbnail/cowboy-bebop-faye-valentine-3U6J.jpg&cdnurl=https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.455c8f71048e463fdaab7bf19804c726?rik=%2bFM40amYhquguw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&exph=1200&expw=983&q=Fay+Bebop+Valentine&simid=608046002054254092&form=IRPRST&ck=E769FF29A31986CAEED41AE715F0D859&selectedindex=4&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0&vt=1&sim=11&adlt=demote&shtp=GetUrl&shid=12e720d5-109f-4ce8-a88e-3b72e136b9de&shtk=Y293Ym95IGJlYm9wIEZheWUgdmFsZW50aW5l&shdk=Rm91bmQgb24gQmluZyBmcm9tIG9ubHloZHdhbGxwYXBlcnMuY29t&shhk=d63kb3k8WF0YQhmBoNJOKaQ30PPgiPKaa%2FaYTjnwuwM%3D&shth=OIP.RVyPcQSORj_aq3vxmATHJgHaJC


A. Panty from Panty & Stocking B. Starfire from Teen Titans C. Spider Gwen from Spiderverse D. Lady Demitrescu from Resident Evil 8


Wendy corduroy


A) Marceline B) Starfire C) Marina (or your version of her) D) XJ-9


Wakfu charactere for any pose !


Slime girl from anything


A. Wendy from Gravity Falls B. Tsuyu from My Hero Academia C. Marceline from Adventure Time D. Risky Boots from Shantae


A) Blackarachnia from Transformers Legends Manga B) Houshou Marine from Hololive C) Ty Lee from Avatar: The Last Airbender D) Kiryuuin Satsuki from Kill La Kill


Raphtalia https://i.redd.it/rt8vzn1oson41.jpg


I was thinking maybe... A. Jenny Wakeman/XJ-9 - My Life as a Teenage Robot B. Toriel - Undertale/Deltarune C. Morrigan Aensland - Darkstalkers D. Rouge the Bat - Sonic Adventure 2


D. Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop A. Tsuyu from My Hero Academia B. Io from Code Vein


D, nami

Wade E.

C or D Ilulu from Dragon Maid.

Elden Ring DLC

(Either character in ANY pose) 1. Toriel https://i.imgur.com/LjIuyLl.jpg https://i.imgur.com/SdeCcZ8.jpg 2. Lucoa https://i.imgur.com/sJOb92A.png https://i.imgur.com/4trTo3o.jpg

Watson Chen

A: Risky Boots (Shantae and the Pirate's Curse) https://imgur.com/a/P9uzYkU B: Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) https://imgur.com/a/fFPOZts C: Mami Tomoe (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) https://imgur.com/a/MJCapOc D: Misako (River City Girls) https://imgur.com/a/A6HyjwY


A: Wendy Corduroy (Gravity Falls) B: Amity Blight (The Owl House) C: Kanna (Blaster Master Zero series) D: Jackie Lynn Thomas (Star vs. the Forces of Evil)


Katia Managan from the Prequel Comics https://www.prequeladventure.com/this/story1635.gif For either A or B maybe

Chandler Ennis

B: Enid (OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes) A/C: Wilhamena (OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes) D: Jasper (Steven Universe)


A - Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill) B - Kiruin Satsuki (ditto) C - Kozuki Karen (Code Geass) D - Minamoto no Yorimitsu (Fate)


A,C,D- Rachnera Arachnera (Monster Musume)

Cory Harrison

A. Tawna (Crash bandicoot) B. Gwen (Ben ten) C. Star fire (teen Titans) D. Midna (true form) (Zelda)


A. Taihou (Azur Lane), B Nier (Granblue Fantasy), C. Five (Drakengard 3), D. Hinoa (Monster Hunter Rise)

Jerry V

A - Lindsay from Total Drama Island https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/totaldramaisland/images/b/ba/TDA_DIY_Char_Lindsay_%283%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20190613072750 B - Courtney from Total Drama Island https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/totaldramaisland/images/f/ff/TDA_DIY_Char_Courtney.png/revision/latest?cb=20190613063912 C - Iruru from Dragon Maid https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/maid-dragon/images/d/d3/Ilulu_Anime.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20210708042014 (version with human hands) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvQsvxjUYAA8PtV.jpg D - Starfire from Teen Titans https://www.kindpng.com/picc/m/92-929562_starfire-starfire-teen-titans-animated-hd-png-download.png


A. Kyoko (River City Girls) B. Elphelt Valentine (Guilty Gear) C. Rem (Re:Zero) D. Misako (River City Girls)

Shawn Heatherly

A. Rem from Re:Zero. B. Edelgard from FE Three Houses. C. Mirko from My Hero Academia. D. Akane from Danganronpa 2.


A. Starfire-Teen Titans B. Rem-Re:Zero C. Zero Two-Darling in the franxxx D. Momo yaoyorozu- my hero academia


A. Jessica Rabbit B. Katara from ATLA C. Starfire from Teen Titans D. Marceline from Adventure Time


A: Phantasma (Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School) B: Sona (League of Legends) C:Widowmaker (Overwatch) D: True form Midna (Zelda Twilight Princess)


B: Velma from Scooby-Doo, absolute banger


A:Rangiku from Bleach B:Robin from One Piece C:The cloud lady from gumball(I don't remember her name) D:Eliza from Tekken

Kyle Fiker

A: Haruhi Suzumiya B: Mikoto Misaka (Certain Magical Index) C: Tooru (Dragon Maid) D: Revy (Black Lagoon)


A: Jack-O from Guilty Gear (pick whichever outfit is easier) B: Dawn from Pokemon (cause Gen 4 remakes) C: Taokaka from Blazblue or Medli from Zelda: Wind Waker (Wings for arms to make her look like she's flying) D: Lucoa from Ms. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid


A) Aqua from Konosuba B) Zelda from BotW C)Snow from Combatants Will Be Dispatched! D) Ramlethal from Guilty Gear


A - Tohru (Dragon Maid) B - Zelda (BotW) C - Starfire (Teen Titans) D - Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop)


A - Yoko Littner (Guren Lagan) B - Edelgard (Fire Emblem Three Houses) C - Maki Oze (Fire Force) D - Cynthia (Pokemon)


A - Coco Bandicoot B - Cream the Rabbit (Teen) C - Gwen of Ben10 (Teen) D - Vanilla the Rabbit (Milf)


A - Yoimiya (Genshin impact) B - Ramlathal (Guilty Gear) C - Zelda (Legend of zelda) D - Samus aran (Metroid)


A - Raphtalia (Rising of the Shield Hero) B - Zelda (Legend of Zelda) C - Hinata Hyuga(adult) (Naruto) D - Ghislaine Dedoldia (Jobless Reincarnation) (https://mushokutensei.fandom.com/wiki/Ghislaine_Dedoldia)


A - Huntress (Adventure Time) B - Taiga (Toradora) C - Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) D - Amethyst (Steven Universe)


C - Razor/Martial from the Robopon Manga https://imgur.com/a/mTBkmNf


aunt cass from big hero 6


A- star fire (teen Titans) B- amethyst (Steven universe) C- Velma(scooby doo) D- Gwen (total drama or Ben ten)


For the update: YAY LUCOA GOT PICKED! also i'm ok with the change in posing.


Yeah honestly I think starfire and lucoa should switch places


I love how you respect the cup sizes of the characters and don't pointlessly inflate them. I really love artists who don't ruin the characters like that.