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Passcode Tier 1: NOTFORWORK
This will unlock: Nudity

Passcode Tier 2: HUGEJUGS
This will unlock: Big Tits

Information about the game:


Not a Browser game anymore:
With many people mentioning crashes, I believe I'm wrong in making the game browser-based. The game is now a Windows application.

Sound Effects:
Sounds added to the entire game. Unfortunately, it has no music yet. I personally find it awkward sounding. I'll try to add music in the future.

Your character can now be customized with a very few available parts. Some colors can be edited as well.

Gameplay Adjustments:
The gameplay has been heavily adjusted. I wanted to try a different approach, but I have to be honest, I'm finding it a bit chaotic right now. I'll make changes to it in the future.

Playing the tutorial again is highly recommended.

Visual Changes:
Many visuals were updated. Weapons have been changed into little 2D pixel arts, and the tutorial now has a guide named Eastica. (A bootleg character)

Nudity and Big Tits:
Some customizable parts feature nudity or huge breasts. These parts can be unlocked through passcodes.
Not only this, but adult-looking 2D characters have Nude + Big Tits versions as well. (A total of 4 versions each. Regular, Big Tits, Nude, Nude Big Tits)


A new Tier has been added: Tier 2. Priced at $3.
The new Tier will have its own Passcode that will unlock the "Big Tits" feature.

But for this update, the Passcode for Tier 2 will be given to Tier 1 for free!
(You can find it from above)

It was a sudden announcement, after all.

Why two separate Tiers?

For the past months, some people have asked me to create a higher Tier so they can donate more, and I didn't show interest.

But unfortunately, I have gotten to the point where my income has decreased drastically.
Instead of simply increasing the price, I decided to follow and make another Tier instead.
(This new Tier is meant for those who wish to donate more, not really for benefits)

I hope this is a reasonable change that will be applied next update.

I sure wish I could increase the Tier 1 from $1 to $2, but that'll be asking too much.
If you believe this is not a good change, let me know through the comments below!

Thank you everyone for your patience and support!


Nude Byte (Version 2)

Play the game here: https://gamejolt.com/games/NudeByte/576248



Thank you for adding a new Tier! I'm happy that people can support your art and content more now, if they wish. I've already raised my Tier and am looking forward to continue supporting you in the future. Thank you again!


With hope to play online and with controllers too. :)


I raised my tier as well : ) I love your art and I'm glad you have future plans with this game and it is set in stone : )


Just gonna leave a quick review here and i have to say that the newest version brings somethings that the game desperately needed sound and personal identity for the player. On first release this game was very hard due to no sound cues and only having visual cues. The addition of audio cues makes the game a lot more fair as i know where the enemies are coming from now. the only change i wish could be possible would be different breast sizes instead of just ginormous and average sizes. Other than that personal opinion this update was really great thank you very much.


I like the gameplay so far, it is a bit chaotic but I think you're on the right track. I can't wait to see the next version.

Gregorius Daneli

A marked improvement in all respects. The decision to make the game an application instead of browser-based was a wise one as performance and stability has been boosted across the board—no more inexplicable crashes after even an hour of playing at 60 FPS; the added sound effects give the player some much-needed feedback; and the added vividness in the stages as well as the ability to customize your girl(s) lends much-needed visibility while not at all really changing how the game is played. Also, the new tutorial girl is a nice touch, so kudos there... if you hadn't slipped in the game that you plan to add more customization and a shop feature in later releases, I'd almost say this is good enough to be a standalone final release, but I look forward to see how you continue to spice things up.


heyy I can not select clothes,select colors or enable nudity even if it is enabled in the passcode menu pwease helb meh :(


Hello, I'm having troubles replicating the problem you're facing. Is it okay to ask for a screenshot of the game while the problem is happening? Or perhaps further descriptions of how it's not working? -Were you able to enter the Customize screen? (Where you can see the 4 characters rotating) -If so, were you able to click on the words "CHARACTERS" or "CLOTHES"? -If so, try to go to "CHARACTERS">"GIRL A">"DESIGN". A set of black/white pictures will show. Were you able to click on these pictures twice to "SET" them?


Great job on this update, definitely a great improvement with what was added. I look forward to see what else you have to offer/add to the this game feature wise, and sexual content wise.

Ren Valaria

so other than high speed splatoon .....is there any thing else or incentives to the game , like can i bend the enemies over or buy bigger body parts or poses , ( nice game still , but feel like 2 steps back from HotGlue...that game never should have been abandon )


Due to it being unity will there be options to reduce particle effects, as well as a Vsync option, AMD GPU is just not understanding it doesn't need to be running at max fan speed cause of something. Usually its down to unlocked framerate and/or excessive particle effects.


I type the passcode to Nude Byte 2.1 but it doesn't work, is there another passcode? It keep saying invalid passcode