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We're preparing something for our last update of Hot Glue.

Stay tuned!




😥 😔


This game had(has) so much potential. Whatever you guys decide after this last update I will back you up 100%. Your work in the past has shown to me that you guys can create great quality product, so that's why you will always have me as a loyal supporter. 🙌🙌


I'm sad to see this project go and hope you make something else to honor it


Oh yea my body is ready ;)


Will this update make it so 2 characters with dicks can use their sex positions interchangeably with each other in the lobby? Because when I put a dick on my character and try to start sex with another character that also has a dick, it only lets me use my position and not theirs, even if theirs is compatible with dicks


Part of the reason why they’re canceling the project is because the core of the game itself has limited them due to the issues that was made clear 3 months back, and one of those issues is being unable to change what you’re asking for and in order to do that they would have to change the entire core of the game and that’s just not worth it at this point.

Vanderburf (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-22 09:59:37 <3
2020-11-30 08:25:34 <3
