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Following our previous post where we wish to stop charging our Patrons: www.patreon.com/posts/38778272 

We looked through our options, and we found 3 so far:

  • Unlaunch
  • Pause
  • Per Creation

We want to avoid Unlaunching our page because this will mean all our past posts will be removed as well. That and the possibility that our Patrons won't be able to ask for refunds anymore in case there are those who still wish to.

The next option is Pausing, which will stop charging Patrons for the next month. But this will mean we have to keep setting this every month. But this has no assurance to our Patrons that we won't unpause suddenly. (Even if we don't plan to and we promise) 

Our last option is setting our page to "Per Creation" (instead of Monthly) and not make any paid posts. (In "Per Creation", Patrons only get charged everytime the Creator makes a paid post) But this also has no assurance to our Patrons that we won't be making any sudden paid posts. (Even if we don't plan to and we promise)

Unlaunching is the best and proper option, but maybe after a few months. (3 months from now maybe?)

For now, we chose to Pause our page and do this for the next few months until we unlaunch.

This way, we can still post updates here for our extended production. (And giving some patrons an option to refund too, just in case)

Thank you Patrons for your support up to the very end!




let's go steam

Sebastian John

cant you transfer these posts to the many patrion slowly whenever you have the time

Sebastian John

and i was wondering if the game is being cancled can some modding potential be added to it so people can build apon it?

Sebastian John

i mean i can still mod it. unity is not that hard to crack into. but still for normal people


Man I just still dont understand why its ending, like you've given us no actual reason why it's being discontinued


From the sound of it, they were running into too many of the features they wanted to add ending up impossible at their current coding level and realized that it would be months of no releases while they went back to learning how to code what they wanted. It's a frustrating situation for everyone.


My only request would be to find a way to consolidate all the posts and make the zip them available to download before "unlaunching". This project has been going for a while and a lot of posts may have been lost through the months.


Keeping the history would be nice, since once the project goes into "un-launch" we may lose access to art, demos, or other files that were on this Patreon. I still find it kind of a shame that you can set it to pause indefinitely or to a "pay per video" like setting.


I'm not 100% sure if I understand the options, but can't you just make it per creation after those 3 months and leave it like that? Like if the project ever comes back just set it back to per month. It shouldn't charge for anything right?


A couple tips that would make the game a bit more enjoyable for replayability. 1. Make it to where whenever you leave the shop and re-enter it is should display new items, (instead of having to leave the hub then come back, that is time consuming.) 2. Make a longer time limit for the adventure game please! 3 minutes is not very much time to do much of anything, it would be so much more enjoyable to play it over and over if the time could some how be extended by doing certain tasks like defeating enemies or collecting items etc. 3. Is there a Big booty option ? and can there be one ? that would be awesome to have a character with XL top and XL bottom ;) P.S Love your game and love how it is so far, Keep up the great work. I know you will be only adding a few more things before stopping development, but if you could consider at least adding time to the adventure mode that would be an amazing new feature, i'm sure everyone would love it. <3

Rune Blacksin

Well im glad i stuck around for the whole thing since before hot glue started lol, i cant wait to try out the games full version


I'll vote for "per creation" option. So, even if it is unlikely, if somebody would like to keep on going with the project it could be done more easily.


Or even in the event that someone wants to comeback and view the posts to access the game in any of its iterations.

Daniele Roversi

Hi! Can i ask you if this game will be released on Steam?