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Passcode of the month: "PENIS"
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Patch 2 Update (June 2)

  • "Interact (Your Position)" button now responds to mouse click properly.
  • Adventure Demo is now disabled in the Browser Version due to technical limitations. (We did our best to bring this to the browser version, but the only solution we have is to rework a few things. And unfortunately, this will take a long time)
  • Confirming dialog choices now works properly when clicking/pressing quickly.
  • Adjusted the loading pattern of the crowd.
  • Minor adjustments to the news.
  • Several other minor adjustments.

Patch 1 Update (May 30)

  • Skin Tints now show the correct skin pattern.
  • Replaying the tutorial demo won't limit certain actions anymore.
  • Hitting an enemy to its last health now shows the seconds it took to defeat it.
  • Added Retry in the Pause menu during the tutorial demo.
  • Adjusted the magic's hitbox to properly hit smaller enemies.
  • Adjusted character graphics on certain parts of the game.
  • Slightly increases the memory size for the Browser version.
  • Several other minor bugfixes.

What's New:

A new Adventure game demo is out!

The demo this time is the planned tutorial for the Adventure game. It's still work-in-progress, but it's fully playable with several improvements from the previous demo we released.

New Character

Sadly, she doesn't do anything in this tutorial demo. She will be your "coach". (AKA: Sitting on her boat while waiting for you to finish)


Just the usual stuff. With a few changes. A bit of magic and lock-on targeting. And also those little numbers that pop out when you hit an enemy.


And of course, sex.

Lots of it.

We removed the souls to make the sex more satisfying. Now you'll make love with the enemies themselves! With possible orgy too!


After completing the tutorial demo, your performance will be evaluated. (The usual game stuff)

Reward after playing
Depending on the rank you get from the results, you can win a simple item that can be used for customizing your character.

Such these pasties

Or this bikini skin tint

There are many other minor changes, but the ones above are the most notable.
We hope you enjoy playing it!

Thank you everyone for your patience and support!

Stay safe! 




Hello, thanks for the work. I have some questions for the Patreon content. 1) Is there a way to spawn more enemies in the battle demo or are the bunny ears planned for the next update? 2) Are there "large" versions for the pasties and bikini? I only get "regular" ones. 3) I think my "regular" bikini tint is bugged, when I save & exit the character menu after chosing it I go back to no tan. If it helps, when unlocking it I got a stange bug where I took damage during the evaluation and it jumped to F and still unlocked the bikini.


I would hope that getting S-Rank would unlock ALL the content but it seems like you have to get each individual grade to get each item. EDIT: I managed to get the new bikini tan lines but it seems like you can't save the customization option properly to equip it!

Animated Carl

There are enough enemies to get an S rank for that. You have to backtrack and two more of the humanoid enemies spawn as well as a ton of the little guys. EDIT: I'm having trouble with defeating them fast enough, I can't seem to break 9 seconds per enemy. EDIT 2: Just did it! https://imgur.com/6z3Q7io It's also a bit frustrating that you have to listen to the whole tutorial again even though it'll likely take a few tries to get an S rank. Really slows things down. EDIT 2: It's also weird that the tutorial locks your controls until you see the prompt. There's an open, consequence free space for the player to experiment. Both for replayability and trust in the player, I don't feel like that should be the case. If you figure out how to roll before you get to the end, you should be able to use that.

Wade E.

Is anyone else getting an out of memory error when loading into the tutorial? I have tried it in both Firefox and Chrome.

Pyo Heliobros

I really wish I had a better PC because this game runs anything but smoothly on mine


Adventure Demo was fun, great job!. Wish there was a retry button though for all the times i tired to get the S rank and i got hit 1 time by accident, you either have to finish the demo or go back to hub world then go back to the demo, it would save so much time. Keep up the great work devs :D


We're sorry for the Bikini glitch (And several others). A patch is on the works to fix these. Thank you everyone for finding these errors.


Patch 1 is out now to fix several glitches. Thank you everyone for finding these glitches.


Hey, this update was great, and I'm happy for new content and glad the game has been patched. Wanted to let you guys know there's an issue I've encountered with the game not capturing my mouse properly (ie. The game window isn't capturing the cursor, just detecting it.) Until I enter the adventure game demo and it tells not to "forget to look around". I have a feeling this is because the way the camera works in places that aren't the island, would love to see this fixed in the next patch/update. Keep up the great work, would love to see the adventure time parody game sequel succeed!


That was a fast patch and good too. keep up the great works devs :)


I had so much fun with The adventure demo, the gameplay is really good and fun, please keep the amazing work :D


I'm always getting out of memory errors on the web build when I try entering the tutorial


The patch introduced new bugs :S... Some of "my interaction" don't work anymore... EDIT : Or do theeyy? they didn't work on some favs but other animations worked and now they work again :/


A fix to this is included in the patch we're working on. But in the meantime, you can click the right-tip of the button instead. We found out it's still clickable in that particular area.


Nice work. Quite sad to be limited to 1080p though. I think supporting arbitrary resolution and aspect ratio would be a good idea. Another nice feature to have would be enemy futa customization. Not everyone like futa with balls (and some like me don't like futa at all).


I can't access the adventure game in the current download version. The yellow cubes don't have an interaction when I mouse over it


Please add a sandbox mode where you can spawn enemies or choose which enemies spawn in however many waves, so we can explore the mob sex scenes

Futa is superior

DAMN this is really starting to come together! Looks freaking amazing so far! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!


How do you access the adventure mode?


Loving the demo guys! It looks fantastic so far! Only issue I’ve caught is that I was able to find myself walking around and fave my own character! No need to fix it though, I need the points XD


As others have said, I can't get the adventure mode to work. I'm on the downloaded version, and the yellow cubes have no interactive options.


Hey, has anyone else seen something run across the wall above the couch? It looks like it runs from the pillow on the couch to behind the tall mirror but I have no idea how it triggers. Looks like it has a long tail. Some kind of mouse girl easter egg???? Am I going crazy?


That's probably the photographer, she runs on the floor too under the night stand on the left side of the couch. See if you can try to catch her, I've been trying to do that.


I wonder if you can get S+ rank and what the oranges are for in adventure mode? I love this game and its little hints that say there's probably more to the game or not.

That guy Steve

feedback time, there seems to be a problem with the magic thing in adventure mode, it activates automatically every time the bar gets filled up


I haven't had that happen to me at all, are you playing with a keyboard?