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Small Video Trailer:

Download the updated game here

Passcode $1 Tier: (Nudity)

Passcode $3/$5 Tier: (Large-Breasts)

Passcode $1/$3/$5 Tier: (Old Gray Area)

Passcode $5 Tier: (New Gray Area)

WHAT'S ADDED: (6.5.0)

  • Added a new section to the Workshop: Card Alter. This lets players change an upgrade card's Basic/Naked/Busty/Naked Busty.

  • Added labels of buildings in Glitch City.

  • NPCs now have significantly more dialogues when you "Chat" with them.

  • Added Gamepad Vibrations throughout the game. (Work in Progress)

    • Added a new option in the Settings menu to enable/disable gamepad vibrations.

  • You can now ask guards to charge dolls for you.

  • Added a Boost called "Bits Display", where maps now display the obtainable bits.

  • Added a Boost called "Easy Mode", where all AI-controlled dolls are protected from normal enemy attacks.

  • Added a Boost called "New Style Item", which makes one selection in the Style Shop always a new item you haven't purchased.

  • Added a new section in the Gallery to include Style items.

  • Added Notifications when unlocking new Gallery/Achievement items.

    • When first playing this version, you may encounter multiple notifications. This is not a bug, and the notifications will eventually run out.


  • Unlocking the Challenges now only requires Difficulty 50 instead of Difficulty 100.

  • Booster Packs are now always available and will never run out.

  • The price of the Boost "Fast Travel" has been significantly decreased.

  • The price of the Boost "Swap Pause" has been significantly increased.

  • Adjusted the EXP increase when a doll takes a bath from 25 to 100.

  • Requests from Prisoners now only end after you agree to the request, giving you a chance to check the other types of requests from the Prisoner.

  • Cards that Prisoners trade will now never be lower than the card she wants.

  • Unlocking Advertisements in the Gallery is reduced from 60 sec to 10 sec.

  • Unlocking Weapon Cards in the Gallery is reduced from 3 minutes to 2 minutes, and the Busty version is 10 minutes to 5 minutes.

  • Icons of cards now load instantly, improving the performance when browsing through menus with card icons.

  • Changed the way the battles are randomized. It's no longer limited to 2 battles to randomize the maps.

    • A meter now fills every battle. Once the meter is filled, you can randomize the battle.

    • The meter can be filled multiple times, allowing you to randomize the battles multiple times.

  • Changed how the maps shuffle every time "Randomize Battles" is used, making the maps less random.

  • Losing to challenges won't decrease your card levels anymore.

  • Practice map has been removed and replaced with "Practice Mode", where players can practice on any map and challenges.

  • Bytes, Kilobytes, and Megabytes now have 2/3 amount of their lives.

  • Bits don't fall through glass now.

  • Added "Settings" and "Help" to the pause menu during an Arena Battle. (Not fully tested)

  • Help items updated to include Challenges, Workshop, etc.

  • Adjusted some dialogues and help items according to the new changes.

  • Adjusted the text of the introduction texts/warnings of the main menu for clarity.

  • Added a small warning at the bottom of the main menu whenever the game detects that the language of the device isn't English.

  • Various visual improvements.

WHAT'S FIXED: (6.5.0)

  • Fixed an issue where the tutorial map doesn't show the instructions displayed above.

  • Fixed an issue where performing an Energy Surge makes unusual visual artifacts.

  • Fixed an issue when customizing a doll's Voice, Page 2 doesn't show when you have exactly 8 voice items.

  • Fixed an issue where trading cards with a Prisoner has a higher chance of a Nicole card.

  • Selecting a card in Equip remains the cursor in the card selection when using a gamepad.

  • Fixed an issue where the "MIX" button during card mixing was accessible when it shouldn't have been.

  • Fixed an error where the Upgrade cards in the gallery might be lost in certain situations.


  • Significantly reduced the amount needed to fill "Randomize Battles".

  • Fixed an issue where unlocking NSFW banners will cause the game to notify repeatedly.

  • Fixed an issue where the large Weapon Cards beside the News in Glitch City don't update whenever the "Randomize Battles" is used.


  • A new option has been added in the Settings>Video for enabling/disabling "Motion Blur".

  • The game now renders in SDR instead of HDR.

  • Fixed an issue where the Boost "New Style Item" always randomizes and shows a new item every time the player leaves and re-enters Glitch City.

  • Fixed an issue where the Boost "New Style Item" doesn't guarantee showing a new item when the player has already collected a significant amount of items.

  • Fixed an issue where certain NPCs don't update their list of chat options when she changes her dressed/naked status.

  • The game now makes sure one of the prisoners will trade cards with you if you own at least one card.

This update focuses on making the game easier and more fun.
However, because of the many additions and changes, there might be new bugs around. (There may be dialogues that were left unchanged or Help items that still explain the old ways.) If you encounter any bugs, please let me know!

