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Download the updated game here

Passcode $1 Tier: (Nudity)

Passcode $3/$5 Tier: (Large-Breasts)

Passcode $1/$3/$5 Tier: (Old Gray Area)

Passcode $5 Tier: (New Gray Area)

WHAT'S ADDED: (6.2.0)

  • In the Tangent Twins building, swapping weapons between the four assigned Dolls is now possible.

  • The Cards in the Gallery now show the requirements needed to unlock them by looking at the card.

  • On certain menus that show the NPC, you can now press Z to hide the NPC dialog window.

  • In a battle, Holding E now toggles the AI of all dolls between following the controlled player or staying still. This doesn't affect dolls with AI-driven Attributes.

  • Added one Voice item to the store.

  • Added one Pose item to the store.

  • Save Transfer is now updated to 6.2.x.


  • Bytes, Kilobytes, and Megabytes should now pause briefly before attacking whenever they spawn.

  • All "AI Resistance" attributes of Upgrade Cards are now called "Resistance". This means the resistance is now applicable to the Doll even when being controlled by the player.

  • All "Hunter" attributes of Upgrade Cards now also have resistance against the enemy it's hunting.

  • The ability Dash is now slightly faster.

  • The ability Roll now lessens its speed after several consecutive rolls.

  • Dashing (Level 4) towards a ledge now falls after dashing to it for a while.

  • Firing while staying still after a roll now makes the weapon fire faster and consumes less energy.

  • Extended the time for the Roll to prevent the Doll from falling.

  • Bombs of Spammer Gigabytes now can't be attacked by AI-driven dolls unless they have the "Spammer Hunter" Attribute.

WHAT'S FIXED: (6.2.0)

  • The pause menu in Glitch City should now unpause when pressing the Esc key.

  • The sample dolls in the Gallery should now have breast sizes according to those set by the player when customizing them.

  • Edited the Help item "Bits".

  • NPCs now have fewer artifacts in the quality of their artworks.

  • Weapon cards now show their "Busty" version whenever the requirement is met.

  • A new option item in the Settings menu is now available where you can force not to show the "Busty" version of Weapon cards.

  • During battles, Attributes in the upper-right corner sometimes show the wrong Attribute. This has been fixed.

  • Leaving the "Gray Area" now puts the player in front of the Passcode building.

  • The 3D model in the secret section of the Gallery should now be interactable.



Taro ♡

Wild :3


Something I still haven't figured out is, how do you make the weapon cards visible from their black base form? By using them? Just over time or how does it work?


Once you unlock the Gallery, you can check how to unlock the pictures of weapon cards by looking at said card without using the middle panel. (It's hard to do this, for sure. I'm still working on making this part more convenient. But for now, you can stop the time to read the descriptions)


Ohhhh. I haven't unlocked the gallery yet. So I just didn't know that part will be available. That's actually neat to have them be mini challenges as I understand it now.

Devin Kelley

You’ve done a fantastic job and I’m loving it!!


Can we get a cheat option like giving money and skipping bathing time etc? love the game but the bites grind is slow when every bite I trade is going down in value.