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So - work has slowed down a bit over the past few days because our newest little employee has decided to arrive about a month early!

This is our daughter Annika. She was supposed to arrive mid-July but decided that mid-June better suited her.

Because of this change in our lives, I am going to slightly alter my release plan for the assets I am currently working on. Just to reassure everyone, nothing is being shelved, it will all be released, and new assets will continue to be made. The wife and I just are taking a little bit of an adjustment period to get the newborn settled into the home.

With that said, I am going to release the new RPGTools Series RTP character pieces today (shortly after this post goes live). This will roughly double the number of character pieces for the RPGTools asset set. 

In July, I aim to wrap up the next set of RPGTools Series RTP tiles and release them then. I already have probably around a thousand or more done. Once I finish, this should likewise probably close to double the number of tiles for the RPGTools Series RTP (with a main focus on adding Dungeon style tiles, but additional town, outdoors, etc tiles as well).

Then after that, I will work on completing the second half of the RPGTools Series monsters. Beyond that, the roadmap remains unchanged - Apocalyptic assets will return to the front until their completion!

So, I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and can find time to work on their projects!






Aww! Happy for you

