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For the folk currently signed up to the various reward tiers, you will undoubtedly have seen the large number of assets just released! For those wondering what those assets might be, here is a glimpse:

Over 5000 new tiles:

The new tiles are primarily medieval in theme, both interior and exterior elements. Tons of new flora, trees, cliffs, buildings, furniture... Just tons of stuff!

I have been playing with them in RPGTools by Martin and I really enjoy how easy it is to build maps with it.

Shown above is a small portion of map that I created with RPGTools (sorry for the low quality GIF) - it also shows one of the flag shaders in action to make the hanging flag animated. RPGTools also gives some great animated water, trees, grass, and other objects.

After the tiles comes the character creation pieces. Due to time constraints, I was not able to make nearly as many as I would like, so I will be making more in the near future to supplement what has been released thus far. But still, 64 new pieces isn't bad at all!

Also of note for character pieces, you will find that all of these clothing and weapon options also have tile versions to place on the map, as well as large inventory icons, which is something that I didn't include in the past but will include going forward.

Also, there are some new monsters and animals. Again, due to time constraints, there are not as many as I would like so I will be working to have some more released in the near future to supplement this set.

And lastly, and something I haven't released on Patreon before, there are new backgrounds and inventory icons. The backgrounds are seeded Artbreeder images that I then edited a bunch to remove all the oddities that come with Artbreeder, as well adjust colors and other edits.

This release contains 50 backgrounds, but I have over 200 more that I need to finish processing and those will be released to Patreon as well (got about 100 of those finished now).

The icons are all oversized at 512x512 so you can scale them down to whatever size befits your needs. They are great for visual inventory.

So, going forward!

With this huge release finished, I want to spend a little more time creating some additional supplemental assets, mostly in terms of character pieces and monsters/animals, but also some more tiles, icons, and animations.

Once I finish that up, I want to wrap up the Apocalypse assets (characters, monsters, a few more tiles, and then add in icons as well). From there, we shall see!

I hope everyone has a great week,





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